Naxxar local council left in the dark about incinerator project
The Naxxar local council have presented a motion calling for a meeting with environment minister Josè Herrera and any government experts, to properly discuss the upcoming incinerator project

The Naxxar local council has voiced its disappointment about the lack of communication regarding the upcoming incinerator project.
The local council said that they were never contacted or consulted regarding the project that will take place in the limits of Naxxar, in Maghtab.
Because of this, the council presented a motion, backed up by Mayor AnneMarie Muscat Fenech Adami, and councillor Marianne Cuomo, who is responsible for the environmental sector. The motion calls for a meeting with Environment Minister Josè Herrera and any government experts to properly discuss the project.
READ MORE: Malta to get waste incinerator at Maghtab by 2023, Jose Herrera says
In a statement, the council said that the only information they received was through local media, and were never contracted. The proposed incinerator is set to take up 70 meters of land and consume 40% of all the country’s waste.
“To this day, the government has chosen to leave local councils in the dark. Because of this, we would like to call an urgent meeting with environment minister Josè Herrera to clear out any plans the government have issued and start a necessary discussion,” the Naxxar local council said.
The council asked that government experts also attend this meeting, to present their studies and documents related to the project, including the Traffic Impact Assessment and the Environment Impact Assessment. It said it was also planning on holding a meeting with Naxxar residents as soon as they had more information.
“The Naxxar local council will defend the interest of the Naxxar community, and will see that any local development will not be at the detriment of the residents.”