Adrian Vassallo under pressure after ‘approach’ revelation

PL in search for ‘other’ MP who may be prepared to vote down divorce bill, blocking referendum

Labour MP Adrian Vassallo has come under heavy party pressure, following his revelation to MaltaToday last Wednesday, that he was “approached” by government MPs in the wake of his vociferous anti-divorce stand.

Vassallo has vehemently denied rumours of any ‘backroom manoeuvres’ that could potentially sink the debate on a private members’ bill on the introduction of divorce, by calling for a division as soon as it is presented before the House.

Such a move would embarrass pro-divorce Labour leader Joseph Muscat, and open the doors to a PN media onslaught.

MaltaToday is informed that a number of Labour party officials were alarmed at the revelation, and sought immediate assurances from the outspoken MP, that he is estranged to any potential ‘cross-party plot’ that could derail the parliamentary debate, and an eventual referendum on divorce.

Last Wednesday, MaltaToday revealed how a ‘promised’ referendum that would ask the electorate to decide on introducing divorce in Malta, risks not being called at all as anti-divorce MPs are reportedly preparing to vote down the proposed private members’ bill by calling a division as soon as it comes up for discussion.

The report – which was not denied – explained that at least four MPs from both sides of the House are said to be behind a manoeuvre that would basically bury any prospect of having the electorate decide on divorce.

But while Vassallo assured his party that he has absolutely no intention of blocking the parliamentary debate, the PL is reportedly looking into the possibility of “another MP” on its benches that could have been approached.

Senior PN sources have denied any knowledge of government MPs engaging with Vassallo or any other Opposition MP. 

But while both parties are calculating their parliamentary numbers in a bid to establish whether or not there exists a pro-divorce majority in the House, the scenario of a no-referendum has already been spelt out to Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.

Gonzi – who declared that he will forward the divorce question to the electorate as the issue is “too big” for MPs to decide on ­­– is said to be against such a move, warning that the collateral damage would be devastating for the homogeneity of the party.

The Prime Minister wants the divorce bill to go through the whole parliamentary process, however it remains unclear whether he intends to start the debate and suspend it after all MPs would have stated their position, and call a referendum, then bring the result to the House for the final vote.

Asked to comment, Labour leader Joseph Muscat told MaltaToday: “everyone is waiting for the Prime Minister to make what is already an overdue public announcement on the roadmap he intends to follow.”

This week, the PN is expected to publish a resolution that would state its position on divorce.

The resolution – which will be discussed on Saturday by the PN’s executive council – has already been drafted, and is expected to declare a clear position against divorce. However, it will pragmatically leave an open window to appease the liberal faction within the party that favours divorce.

The resolution will declare that the PN will respect any decision taken by the people in a referendum on the matter.

Meanwhile, government has a Cohabitation Bill that is ready to be published and is expected to be presented to parliament ‘imminently’.

As the PN argues that a Cohabitation Bill was promised in 1998, pro-divorce lobbyists are riding on the contradiction that was exposed by Fr. Rene’ Camilleri in an interview to MaltaToday, when he stated that he “prefers divorce to cohabitation.”

If one divorce and re-marry the ex no longer have a say in what her/his ex does ,plain and simple, on the other hand if a man/woman leaves his wife/husband and lives with another, his/her ex could make life hell and all involved would suffer especially the children.Cohabitation causes more problems divorce resolves problems.
THESE mpS LIKE ADRIAN VASSALLO DONT WANT YOU TO DIVORCE SO YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE IN HELL. Stepping out of the safety of the familiar is scary but here are 13 pro’s of divorce: 1.A home that is not filled with constant envision and anxiety. 2.Deep lessons that have resulted in amazing personal growth with new found confidence and self-esteem. 3.A new sense of self with a reconnection to your strengths and talents. 4.The special knowledge that comes with having survived a major life transition: wisdom. 5.A new life that is centered on what is important to you, to what you value. 6.The clarification of your passions and the ability to create a life based on those passions. 7.The realization that a crisis in life creates an opening for change that you might not have ever had. 8.A new career. 9.The freedom to do what you want when you want to do it. 10.Better relationships with your children. 11.The healing of old emotional wounds that emerge during divorce which gives you a new found freedom to create whatever you want in your life. 12.Peace of mind. 13.Retrieval of your power with the loss of victim-hood
hawn pajjiz tal-ipokriti u daqshekk. kieku hawn hafna jilghabuha tal-qaddisin,tant u hell li meta jkunu mexjin fi triq tista tarahhom bir-raggiera tiddi fuq rashom- dawn li jdahlu lil-knisja fin nofs ,"dawk ibza minnhom ghax sriep"!. dawk jaghmlu hekk ghal zkopijiet taghhom u malizzjuzi! min ma jaqbilx ma ligi tad- divorzju ,gay marriages u persuna GIDDIEBA! issa lilek x'ser jaghmulek jekk il-gays ikunu jistghu jizzewgu? int min int biex icahdilhom dak id dritt? u tant iehor ghal min irid jiddivorzja, Int min il-lostra int biex tindahal f'hajjet haddiehor> jekk ma togbokx il-ligi tad-divorzju , ma ghandux ikollok problemi. tinsiex li jekk il-mara jew ir-ragel irid jitlaq , xorta jitlaq bil-ligi tad-divorzju jew le, bhal ma gara u ghadhu qed jigri -kuljum . mela halluna u morru stahbew go xi knisja , ghax ghalemm tajbin biss- ghandkom raguni tal-medju evu ghadkom tigru wara shahar ( li qatta ma kienu ghax shahar ma jeziztux) ghadkom hekk sal-guranat ta'llum. bhal ma hemm miktub fir-religjon tieghek- "OQBRA MBAJDA U XEJN AKTAR'.
NO! a politician must never get his religion with him in parlament! politics cannot be mixed with religions, and when one say religion, means for all religions-
@fehmawvuci and masteroo Your comments are at best disgusting. You have no right to insult anybody who does not agree with you. Name calling is only used by those with no argument to put forward. Any politician has a right to belief and act according to his beliefs. If you do not like him do not vote for him, but please grow up both of you and comment in a civilised manner.
we don't really know what ** Magr* really is or who really is. I said his party- he may seems to ne in favour of PL here- but noone can be sure- he can be with anyone- or even a party of his own- i did not mention MLP?PL or PN in my toughts was going to the PN - since they are the church allies. but i say again Magr not sure about him ! now, Magr , how do you know that maltatoday is inventing about adrian vassalo's intentions? who are you to know waht adrian vassal's intentions are? and , what values are you speaking about? no divorce law? is that a value? are you insane or what? are you married? doy ou have children ? do you have grandchildren? you took that these social matters ,wil not effect you or your family? if you are single than you have nothing to do with a divorce law or gay marriages! also who accuse a politician of being in favour of a divorce law - if the accuses comes from a MPs than that MP is not a good MP. and his place must be out from the parlament- he can go to an org or in the church preaching:) I SAY AGAIN" who mixes politics with religion must not be in politics -Mixing religion with politics can be very bad! and yes adrian vassallo and every politician who is like him from all political parties must not be elected by the peole's votes to represent the citizens in parlament. this is a law that must be introducted- that politician who says NO - the electorate must not vote for him(the majority who wishes justice and liberty) the last card is on the MPs. secret vote or no secret vote- the result will be on them all(MPs) we will see this game they are playing ,how it's gonna end! I WILL SAY THAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH MUST BE OUT FROM THE CONSTITUTION- THAT CONCORDAT WITH THEM MUST END- Well the PN for sure will not end it .since they made it. anyways let's hope that some MPs are not puppets and will vote for the needs of the citizens. MPs must not put their religion in parlament when doing laws- or else they should have been priests ! and adrian vassallo and all MP who is like him, thier values may stuff them in their ASSES.
Magr, has anybody ever tested your IQ ? Because I think you are as confused as the retreads trying to convince us with a moderate and progressive movement. What kind of a movement is this, that is being led by self-serve political and religious accomodation through their fraudulent faith rather than reason. Your support for this moron makes you an accomplice to exploiting and abusing spouses and children by trying to keep Malta in the dark ages of the inquisition. Go get your head checked my friend.
The PN apologists re out frantic. They accuse the PL of being in favour of divorce and abortion. You will not win elections with lies. The PL is the future. If abortion comes it will be the people who decide not the PL in government. If the people want it, only the PL will let them have it. The PN pretend to be for the people, they are not. Socialism always is best. Abortion may become a right later on but not yet. The PL will defend the rights of those who are in favour of truth. Divorce is a truth also but not a must. Gay mariages are progress. Gay adoption of children is not I think the PL's stand on this is clear. We are for those who are left aside.
master000 it was always the pN that was the filthy party in Malta. They always used the Church and its institutions to gain power and have always stopped at nothing to get what they want. There was the famous false oath by Terinu which was distributed at all churches on election day. They were so devilish that instead of saying that it was sworn by Terinu as he was known by everyone they used the name Ettore Bono, with Bono meaning good and understood by everyone even illiterates as Italian was understood well at the time as it was continuously promoted by the PN. Then there was the instigation by the PN for the Church-MLP fight to again gain power, where Dr Herbert Ganado clearly exposes the hypocrisy of the PN leaders to sideline their own allies in Paola under the umbrella rally. Then there was the continuous subversion of the MLP Governments led by Mr Mintoff and Dr KMB including the explosion of bombs at government workers properties to dissuade them from cooperating with the MLP Government. Who cannot remember the civil disobedience by the village lawyer as he was called by someone else? Who cannot remember the same village lawyer who on the eve of the election blatantly LIED about Dr Sant? Who cannot remember the personal attacks against Dr Muscat? No master000, it was always the PN that was the filthy party in Malta.
What is the hon. Adrian Vassallo afraid of? That a referendum would give a YES victory? If he is a true christian then he should have faith in what Jesus Christ said, that evil, if divorce is evil, will not prevail , or doesn't the Hon.Vassallo believe that much. Shame to all who are using religion as a political agenda, that includes MPs from the PL also, next time round we will remember you guys and how insensitive you are to the plight of others seeking to have a better life than the one they have.
Magr. I think you are that yourself! Don't say to others what you or your filthy party are! you are just a bunch of shit! like the church that you believe in- preaching a thing and do another- MAFIA! people like you are all snakes!
you are an old man now, I suggest you take care of your health. too much pressure on you won't do you any good,!just go and leave our country to move ahead.your time is over. people like you are not good anymore in the parlament! verdict=OUTDATED!!
WOW ! Looks like somebody blew a gasket. Could this be a PL insider? Master Magr ! This vicious dog is in the Kuria Kennel because anybody who is willing to abuse spouses and chilren by denying them their civil rights could not be described any better.
This paper are juniors. They never check their stories, are being sued left right and centre and clearly have their own agenda. This is that they are clearly Pro abortion pro divorce, pro PL when it suits them and pro liberals ideals with no controls. They are anti Christian, anti-life anti family and anti PN an Anti AD when ikt suits them. Tis is why this paper only has a ridicuous circulation of about the same as the university magazine.
How to make up stories as a newspaper when there is no truth to tell First, invent a story against Adrian Vassallo cause you can't stand him because he is an outspoken man of values against pornography, abortion and divorce. Second, tell everyone your story is true some days later by inventing more news. Do this by claiming he is now under pressure because of the fake story you broke. Thirdly, hope to create a division in the PL camp to suit the MT’s pro-divorce opinion.