UHM lambastes government for employing workers as self-employed

The Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin (UHM) has urged government to keep its electoral promise made in 2008 and ascertain that new employment measures are taken and adhered to.

In its statement the UHM deplored government for not taking measures to address and regulate emerging practices and new forms of employment, despite it being an electoral promise.

The union referred to the ongoing practice by government authorities to hire civil servants on a self-employed basis. “These workers are being denied their basic rights as “normal” workers and are being forced to pay VAT,” it said.

The Union stressed that this issue had been part of government’s political debate in the last general elections, where it had promised that the problem will be addressed. “But instead of doing this, government itself is making use of such practices in its departments by employing workers, including secretaries, as self-employed,” it said.

The Union added it deplored the fact that government, rather than employing workers such as secretaries, careworkers and security guards directly with him, it is making use of  the outsourcing system.

“This means that a number of contractors are benefiting financially, but the workers employed have to suffer of inferior working conditions,” it said. “This is unacceptable and we expect government to be of example and change its employment policies.”

Referring to an initiative by the union in which it proposed for workers who are on minimum wage to provide them with training courses whilst giving them an allowance of €25 per week, the UHM insisted that government should maintain the promise made when announcing it during the Budget.

“Government should act on its words and begin the process for these measure to be implemented immediately,” it said.

Gejtu Vella is segretarju tal UHM tajjeb biex iparla fil vojt issa meta jinqala xi haga Gejt kontra il gvern erga hudha kontra shabek ta l-UNIONS l-ohra bhal ma DEJJEM GHAMILT dak li taghmel int tghamlu ghat TURIJA tan nies GEJT biex dak li ikun ghid ARA STENBAH FL_AHHAR GEJTU TAGHNA u hallina TKOMPLIX IDDAHHAQNA
Sur Gejtu Vella flimkien mas-Segretarji Generali ta' l-Unions Maltin kollha qomtu mir-raqda wara li dan ilu sejjer snin shah. Hemm qazijiet, mhux wiehed hafna fejn haddiema kienu fuq kuntratt ta' xoghol mal Gvern, fejn kienu igawdu l-beneficcji kollha skont il-ligi u meta beda jersaq iz-zmien biex jaqilbu full time gew imgaghla jaqilbu fuq kuntratt ta' part timers self employed. Dan wara il-weghdi fierha li saru minn Gonzi qabel lahhar elezzjoni. Shame, shame u shame. Daqshekk jistmawhom il-haddiema.
Sur Gejtu Vella fl-ahhar stenbaht li l-Gvern ta' Gonzi qieghed jit--------k bik. Jew qieghed tinduna li waslet l-elezzjoni u waslet is-siegha tieghek li taghmel l-kontijiet inti wkoll mall-poplu.
Mill-kliem għall-fatti hemm baħar jikkumbatti, Mr. Gonzi.
Alfred Galea
Maybe the UHM, the PN's lapdog, should find out WHO the outsourcing companies are....they might be surprised.
Dan huwa l-ezempju tal-Gvern ta' Gonzi li suppost huwa Demo-Kristjan specjalment meta immexxi minn ex-President tal-Azzjoni Kattolika, imma fil-fatt huwa Gvern Dimonju-Kristjan.