Odours at Hexagon house: union says 50 instances of evacuation since 2008

MEPA professionals' union tells employees to vacate Hexagon House at first sign of discomfort at odours pervading premises.

The Union tal-Professjonisti ta’ l-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar (UPAP) has issued a directive to all its members to vacate Hexagon House and report to the St Francis Ravelin offices in Floriana at the first sign of discomfort, due to the presence of obnoxious odours at the MEPA premises.

“Several employees were yesterday certified on site by local doctors from the Floriana Polyclinic with medical side effects which are being attributed to the ongoing exposure to obnoxious odours and other substances being experienced in the area and lack of adequate building ventilation,” UPAP said.

Representatives from the Occupational Health and Safety Authority, Environmental Health Department and Water Services Corporation were called to Hexagon House to investigate the situation within the premises.

“Unfortunately, the situation is still ongoing and no solution to the problem has been found to date,” UPAP said in a statement.

“Despite reassurances by management who have known about this situation even before acquiring the property, the problem has persisted and staff regularly report odours and discomfort in their workplace.

“Records show that there have been no less than 50 instances of full or partial evacuation of the premises since September 2008 resultant from obnoxious odours.”

UPAP said it was is seriously concerned for the welfare and health of its members and hopes that management will take all necessary steps to ensure that the situation is resolved.