Former port workers ask PM to resolve outstanding pensions claims

General Workers Union presents petition to Prime Minister.

General Workers Union secretary-general Tony Zarb has presented the Prime Minister with a petition signed by over 500 former port employees who claimed they were not given their pensions from a fund that they had contributed during their employment.

The petition calls on the Prime Minister to call a meeting as soon as possible to find a solution to this problem.

Zarb address the former port workers at the GWU headquarters in the afternoon, where he claimed finance minister Tonio Fenech had promised a counter-offer to their demands. Fenech had since denied promising this proposal.

The GWU has made a declaration under oath in court, saying that Fenech had promised them to look into the pensions claims.

Dawk flus misruqa lill-haddiema minn Gvern NAzzjonalista immexxi minn ex-President tal-Azzjoni Kattolika. WQed tifhem Gonzi? Dwk flus misruqa lill-haddiema mill-Gvern tieghek u inti responsabbli taghhom.
Sur PM Gonzi ahna l-ex Port Workers IRRIDU dak li huwa taghna dak li HDIMNA ghalih ghalhekk nisperaw li ISSIB SOLUZJONI GUSTA u ahna niehdu dak li haqna mhux bl-ahhar riforma li ghamel siehbek il ministru ARROGANTI Dr Austin Gatt lilna l-ex Port workers wara dak iz zmien kollu NITFAW gol FONDI hallina barra u ma hadna xejn fil waqt li min ghadu diehel issa hadu l- eluf Jien napella lil presitend ta Malta Dr Gorg Abela li jindahal bhala medjatur biex isolvi l-inguztizja li ghamel meta waqt ir riforma halla lil ex port workers BARRA meta kien jaf li dan ma setax jghamlu ghax hemm L_ABJAD fl-ISWED fir riforma li kienet saret qabel u jaf li lilna ex port workers ma setax ma jikkunsultax maghna ghalhekk nitlob lil Majesta tieghu il presitend Dr Gorg Abela biex jaghmel HILTU halli l-inguztzja li SOFREJNA tigi SOLVUTA BIL KELMA IT TAJBA