Gozo clerics throw in their lot behind tunnel project

College of Chaplains call for study into feasibility of Malta-Gozo tunnel.

The College of Chaplains has expressed agreement with a comprehensive study into the feasibility of the construction of a tunnel connecting Gozo and Malta, estimated to cost as much as €500 million.

The idea was mulled by Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said, a former Nadur mayor, who tagged it at an attractive €150 million costs.

Gozo’s chaplains yesterday said in a statement that a study evaluating all advantages and disadvantages on the tunnel should be carried out.

Fr Tarcisio Camilleri said in a statement that Gozo still suffers from a double insularity that does not permit the island to keep up with the development of the country.

“We have noted the extraordinary difficulties that students, workers, the sick and their relatives, employers and other service workers have to repeatedly cross between the two islands due to their studies, needs and employment.

“We believe better accessibility will fasten the pace of development of the Gozitan economy and enable it to participate in the progress of the entire nation.”

So now we have it. The Tunnel between Gozo and Malta has become a fashionable message praised by the Clergy. Now let's see if they would agree it was equally so €1000 million tag it will cost and when the residents of Malta and Gozo have to pay €20-00 per crossing (two-ways!) Let's also hope that when the Government of Malta lays out a statement and an advertisement for the study to investigate the feasibility of this tunnel they do not make the mistakes they have done previously of inviting their cronies of Consulting Architects/Engineers from Denmark or Sweden or Germany and the likes to put in a bid for they will then be beholden to an immediate cost of €2 million (plus VAT) which will then end up in a final bill of €3 to 6 million (in line with previous debacles) and then a listing of most-favoured International Construction Companies who will then bribe their way past these Consultant Architects/Engineers (or be in cahoots with them from the start) so that the final as awarded contract will start off within a mere smidgens of the estimate and then end up costing four times as much and three times as long to build so that by 2025 (the earliest then possible date for the projet to be finished) most of the people hankering for such a tunnel will be well in to their old age and beyond caring. How cybical can we get? The reality is Readers of Malta today you are being hood-winked by a vote grabber and nothing more. If you had to pay for this from your Taxes out right it would almost certainly cost each resident in Malta around €1,750-00 so think about that. You cannot afford it so the next option is a long-term borrowed money bond to finance it. With interest rates at 5% over 25 years this means that the eventual cost would be around three times this cost. So perhaps then someone will realise that this project is not at all merited
€150 million for the construction of a tunnel to Gozo? Even by a stretch of imagination and a good dose of gullibility, I find it very hard to swallow that it can be done at that price. Maybe if we reintroduce slavery and have a tunnel solidarity contribution deducted from our pay check, then we might have a fighting chance. Incredible how everybody seems to have forgotten the Mater Dei saga. Wake up Malta this €150m tag is just a invention, a poliitical ploy to hoodwink all. It is more relevant to ask which qualified firm would come up with this cost assesement.
Zack Depasquale
Personalment nahseb li iktar hemm cans li jkun hawn it-tieni nawrfragju ta'San Pawl f'Malta milli din il-holma li sejjer isir dan it-tunnel bejn Malta u Ghawdex. Naqbel perfettament ma Knocker li jekk il-Kappilani Ghawdxin riedu jikkumentaw misshom ikumentaw fuq il-qaghda tal-familji illum, jekk riedu jkunu kreddibli.
Perhaps they could intervene with their "contacts" and save us a lot of money http://i56.tinypic.com/2w4ji9c.jpg
Joseph Pellicano
Gozo clerics if they want to be credible about a real good connection between the islands, they should condemn the poor cheap service provided by GOZO CHANNEL, and not talk about this DREAM OF SAID.The sooner it is privatized the better, so we can have real service.
How come the Gozo parish priest have suddenly taken an interest in the social situation? Haven't they formed any idea yet of the dismal economic one both on Gozo (if not more) and on Malta? Somebody ought to tell them not all Gozitans have been taken in by this sudden show of social awareness. Is this some sort of quid pro quo over the looming divorce debacle? It would be good to know that these meddlesome priests do not really wish to start the politico-religious question all over again. The Gonzi thread in the Maltese political plot should not be allowed to take over the scenario once more. It's all that the Church needs to lose face completely.
Se thallsuha inthom? Fil-kaz ghamluha imma mhux mit-taxxi taghna. Din ma hija xejn hlief aljenazzjoni tal-poplu u fantasija ghax waslet l-elezzjoni.