Internal committee reviewing problems in MEPA reform – Labour MP

Labour MP says OPM has appointed commission to tackle bureaucratic problems in MEPA reform.

Labour MP Roderick Galdes has said MEPA’s administration was not well prepared for the change in planning laws and the new system forged by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Galdes said an internal commission had been set up to tackle the difficulties in the new law. Galdes, a MEPA employee and Labour representative to the MEPA board, said there had been “many complaints” on the problems that the new bureaucracy for planning applications had created.

“Consumers are paying higher tariffs than ever before for applications, and even MEPA employees are finding it difficult to work around this bureaucracy. The system is too complicated.”

Galdes said MEPA faced 4,600 pending applications and around 800 applications at reconsideration stage.