Education ministry says more students benefiting from stipends

Stipends awarded to students that study at post-secondary and tertiary level will not be reduced, the education ministry said today.

“More students are benefiting from stipends because government investment has increased,” the ministry said in a statement.

Stipends for sixth-form and university students will cost the governmnet €23 million in 2011, while 1,100 students have already benefited from scholarships.

Minister Dolores Cristina said there was no question of reducing stipends, and that the financing of university could take place using several different models. “Stipends had been reduced by a Labour government when it forced students to take our bank loans to finance their studies,” Cristina said.

Why should the maltese citizen pay out from his taxes the education of students at a tertiary level ? This is unacceptable and unfair especially in the light of the current economic crisis where workers are losing their jobs and students give zero contribution to the economy! If students are given stipends they should work withouth being paid a salary for at least 5 years! I think it is against european union education policy to pay stipends!
Ghal darb'ohra il-Ministru Dolores Cristina trid tqarraq. L-ahhar darba li l-istipendji tnaqqsu kien taht il-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi fl-2006 meta jien kont student l-Universita u l-istipendju naqas minn Lm60 ghal Lm39 fix-xahar. Niskanta fejn huma n-nies fil-PL biex iwiegbu din il-gidba qarrieqa tal-Ministru Cristina jew anke dawn lanqas biss jiftakru li l-ahhar darba li l-istipendji tmiss kien proprju taht il-Prim Ministru Gonzi!