Muscat says government continuing to achieve results
A year into its second term, he said the government had continued to keep its promises, while urging Labour Party supporters to remain grounded

In the year since last year’s general election, the government has continued to achieve results and is as forward looking as it ever was, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Sunday morning.
Looking back at last year’s general election in a brief phone interview on ONE Radio, Muscat said that the Labour Party had told the country that its best days were yet to come, insisting that one year on, this was proving to be true.
He pointed to the fact that unemployment had continued to go down, while the country’s economy had continued to grow and to drive it forward. Muscat said that the country now lies second in the EU and first in the Eurozone when it came to unemployment rates, a reality that not been envisioned by others.
“Unlike previous administrations, this government’s first year in office has already yielded results,” he said, adding that in its first budget the government had not introduced any new taxes, as one would have expected.
Muscat said that the government was making good progress in implementing the pledges in its electoral manifesto.
MaltaToday’s latest trust barometer appears to show the Prime Minister’s approval among the electoral increasing to new heights, with 52.6% of the electorate stating that they had faith in Muscat.
“The bigger the trust, the larger the responsibility we shoulder,” Muscat claimed. He said that while supporters should be not demoralized by seemingly never-ending criticism, it was also important for the party faithful to remain grounded.