Kristy Debono will chair PAC instead of Beppe Fenech Adami
PN MP Kristy Debono will temporarily chair Parliament's Public Accounts Committee instead of Beppe Fenech Adami, who will have to testify in the Wasteserv probe, while Clyde Puli will take his place

Nationalist MP Clyde Puli will fill in for Beppe Fenech Adami, who was asked to testify in Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee that is dealing with a Wasteserv audit.
Fenech Adami chairs the committee but in the last session he was asked by government MPs to testify on his time in government before 2013.
PN MP Kristy Debono, who is a PAC member, will chair the next session, and any other session during which Fenech Adami will be testifying.
The PAC has been dealing with the findings of an audit on Wasteserv carried out by the National Audit Office, on recruitment before the last election.
The PAC heard the Wasteserv CEO last March unable to explain why three out of 10 employees recruited right before the 2017 election hailed from the environment minister’s constituency.
Last February, MaltaToday had revealed a leaked cache of emails prior to a change in government in 2013 that showed how the waste agency management was pressured by government ministers and MPs of the time to employ constituents.
Fenech Adami’s name had cropped up in one of the emails after he recommended a person for employment at Wasteserv.
As a result, he was asked to testify by the government MPs on PAC.