Further ten quarries granted environmental permit to receive construction waste
The Environment ministry said last week that it was looking into short and long-term solutions to the lack of sites for the disposal of construction waste

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has granted ten environmental permits to quarry operators in Mqabba, Siggiewi and Iklin, allowing the quarries to be used for the dumping of inert construction and demolition (C&D) waste.
On site, ERA said, had also been permitted to accepted clean
The country is facing a problem with limit space for the disposal of such waste. Last week an unused quarry in Siggiewi started to accept construction waste, with the ministry saying that it was looking at both short and long-term solutions to the problem.
“The permits include conditions to ensure that such activities are carried out in accordance to the best environmental practices to achieve the required level of environment protection for the surroundings,” ERA said.
“These conditions oblige operators to adhere with parameters on the quality of material that may be accepted at these sites, waste acceptance procedures, the control of mud and debris from the site operations, and other operational requirements.”
ERA added that the permits also provided for a number of monitoring obligations, to be fulfilled throughout the duration of their validity.