'Lack of bicycle network' in Attard Cental Link project
The Bicycle Advocacy Group have raised concerns that despite various proposals, there is still a lack of a direct and safe route along the Central Link Project
Despite various proposals for a direct and continuous bicycle network, there are still concerns over the safety and accessibility for bicycle users along the Central Link Project, the Bicycle Advocacy Group (BAG) have claimed.
Despite the fact that more bicycle lanes have been introduced, BAG have raised their concern over the breaking up of links between bicycle lanes, most noticeably at the proposed MFSA roundabout, San Anton junction, Triq Hal-Warda to Haz-Zebbug and the Ta’ Qali junction.
BAG have insisted to authorities that all cycling infrastructure should be direct and safely accessible.
“It would be a major shortcoming to leave such an opportunity to encourage modal shift side-lined to allocate more space and funds to car driving only,” BAG said in a statement.
BAG have also been in contact with design planners responsible for the project, proposing several new links that will make the use of the bicycle a more attractive option.
BAG have also said that due to the bare minimum not being upheld, in terms of a basic safe bicycle network, it will be formally submitting an objection to the planning authority highlighting these crucial missing links.
“BAG stresses the importance of attractive and safe bicycle infrastructure if, as a country, we are serious in prioritising alternative means of transport to mitigate the serious traffic problem that exists,” BAG stated.