John Bundy most loved yet also almost most hated local TV presenter

Peppi Azzopardi is the presenter that people abhor the most - despite his show being the most widely followed local current affairs programme, an Illum survey reveals.

Weekly newspaper Illum reports that, according to a survey conducted by the newspaper, Peppi's leading rival, John Bundy, is the most loved presenter in Malta while also coming in second as the presenter people can’t stand the most, just 1% below Peppi.

Stephanie Spiteri is the presenter local audiences like the most, while Reno Bugeja is the presenter perceived to be most independent from the political parties.

READ MORE in Illum’s digital edition.

Michael Gauci
Bundy at least shows a little humility whereas Azzopardi and Bondi are arrogance personified.
Well done Reno. keep it up. At least i done have digestive problems when i watch your program.
Keith Goodlip
I thank my Gods they dissuade me not to watch the effluent which is being hosted by and constantly being spewed out from local television.
@ Whiteowl and Toninu. Unfortunately that's the situation in Malta. Peppi and Bondi make big money out of public funds as well as the license for national broadcasting while other channels like Favourite etc have to slog it in order to offer their services. Bundy took the bull by its horns, cast all other considerations to the wind and is making it good on One TV. Good for him and here is wishing him good luck for the coming season. We need more people like him at least to secure a balance in the media. As you rightly say, Peppi and Bondi are just two rotten spin doctors who have, by now, exasperated the majority of Maltese televiewers.
@ Knocker 2 i do not find it crude at all.. what you wrote is the truth .Bundy can pick up Pepe and Lou and throw them away with his showmanship ..Breath of badly needed fresh air i enjoy watching him .
Ma ghandi xejn personali kontra Peppi izda nahseb jezistu ohrajn li jisghtu jaghtu kontribut aktar frisk u mhux biased fuq ix xandir ta l-sitat imhallas mit taxxi tal poplu.
When all is said and done, Bundy's programme is fast proving to be the most followed local TV programme. Bundy has simply left Peppi and Bondi gasping. Its soaring popularity has become symptomatic of the plunging popularity of the Regime (Peppi's sponsors) and the improving popularity of Bundy's sponsors, the Muscat-led PL. The statement may sound crude, but it reflects the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Qabel kien jinghad li meta xi hadd ikun qed jghaddi z-zmien bik jghidu li qed jghaddik bid-dghajsa. Issa sare li qed jghaddik bix-xarabank.
Albert Zammit
I don't think much about either. The Maltese are not choosy in the way they entertain themselves and most of them are far too stupid and dumb to go beyond Xarabank and whateverthenameofbundy'sprogramme is.