John Dalli reveals how government ignored a US$1 billion energy proposal

European Commissioner John Dalli has hit out at Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s government for having “shamefully” not given attention to a consortium’s offer to invest US$1 billion in a project that provides for the production of clean energy.

Speaking on John Bundy’s talk show ‘Affari Taghna’ broadcast last night on One TV, the former PN Minister stressed that the proposal by the consortium would lead to a project that generates electricity at a cost that would be 30 to 40 per cent cheaper to Maltese consumers.

“Unfortunately, government did not seem to be giving this consortium the deserved attention.” He added that if this was the case, "it was a shame" and that he was against a wind farm project.

He insisted that government look into the proposed project by the consortium and carry out the necessary due diligence.

“Malta’s size does not permit the development of wind farms, and given its geographical limitations, the country can only produce between 10 to 15 per cent of its energy from solar power,” Dalli said.

Asked about his post as EU Commissioner, John Dalli said that he never sought the job, and explained that he initially turned down the offer, insisting with the Prime Minister that Joe Borg should be re-confirmed as Malta’s Commissioner in Brussels.

“It was only when the Prime Minister told me that Joe Borg was not going to be nominated again, and insisted that I rethink my position, that I eventually accepted the post,” he said.

“I never asked anything from anyone,” John Dalli stressed.

Asked about the state of the Nationalist Party today as the party in government, John Dalli was highly critical, and said that the “PN today is very different from the party I knew.”

He added that it was his wish to see the “PN return to its values, where democracy meant giving all the space to express an opinion, however there needs to be order and discipline, and not anarchy,” John Dalli said.

When asked by John Bundy about his relationship with the Labour Party, John Dalli said that during his entire political career, he had been “close to everyone,” and stressed that his political vision was and will remain that of working in a “united country.”

Asked to qualify this statement, John Dalli stressed that his vision was based on the principle of having “one country, that is not split between two totally contrasting political factions, and it would be a major political step should the country unite in its goal to turn itself into a formidable economic and social machine.”

Pauline Moran
Wenz, ghadu kif cempilli il President tal Gambia u qalli li baghtlek zewg Tankers minn ta kumpanija Amerikana (li riedet tinvesti f'power station nadifa) mimlijn bil Gass qed jistennew biex JORBTU MAL MOLL u jibdew jissuplixxu il GASS ghal POWER STATION li suppost kellha tibda tahdem b'estenzjoni ma dik ta Delimara. X'inhi l-verita Wenz? Il verita Wenz hija li L-Enemalta ser tfalli b'DEJN KBIR ezatt bhal AirMalta. Allura biex tahbu din il Hnizrija Finanzjarja xi bravu gab lil BWSC biex jipprova "jsalva" l-enemalta bil garanzija li tirbah il kuntratt il BWSC. Issa xorta wahda L-Enemalta ser tfalli! Mela gejna sew... B'teknologija antikwata u b'kumpanija xorta falluta---Mela fejn marru l-flus Wenz??? Mela int tiehu d-decizjonijiet ghal konvenjenza u ahna il poplu inhallsu b-butna u b'sahhitna!!!!! Ma tisthux irrifjutajtu dan il progett daqshekk ta vantagg ghal Malta w ghal poplu Malti meta tafu li ghandna daqshekk problema kbira bl-energija?!! MUR HU ZID U-TURN OHRA MA LI QED TAGHMEL U GIBILNA DIN IL KUMPANIJA AMERIKANA LI THADDEM TEKNOLIGIJA NADIFA U TIFRANKA HAFNA EUROS LIL POPLU TAGHNA!!!!
I knew of an American company who wanted to do the same project and a Gov. delegation from MEPA went to USA to see it working. I know that they were amassed of what they saw but till now no answer have been received. This was about 6 months ago.
Priscilla Darmenia
@ Knocker2 I perfectly agree with you that “Xarabank and Bondi+” are not meant to reveal the secrets of this Government but to conceal them. I stopped watching both programs years ago. Both Peppi and Lou have their hidden agenda and they show it bluntly. They let people say what they want when the argument is in favour of the government or their agenda BUT they interrupt continuously and ask different questions to deviate the argument that is against the GonziPN government or their hidden agenda. I am sorry to say this, but to me those people who still watch such programs are immature and have not yet realised what stuff Peppi and Lou are made of.
Pauline Moran
Gann, kemm hadt gost nisimghek il bierah fuq is sufan b'tazza te' bil buskuttini hdejja. Int ragel min dawk li tajt izda li qlajt hafna wkoll. Il qalb mighugha Gann, u nifhmek. Wenzu lilek haseb li heles minnek ghax baghtek barra, meta fil fatt sahhek u tefek f'pozizzjoni li tista tattakkah minghajr ma jista jattakkak lura. Dak strategista! Gann, il verita fuq il progetti li semmjt pero x'inhi. Il verita hija wahda Gann taht il PN...Jekk jigi wiehed ghani u jghid lil Wenzu w shabu (il bravi ta' Malta w li hemm Brussel) li min qoffa tuffieh ser jaqsam nofs-qoffa maghhom allura Wenzu w shabu jinterressaw ruhhom, jilqawh u jiehdu hsiebu sewwa. Pero jekk wiehed zopp tallab li kull ma ghandu hija tuffieha wahda ghal ghixien tieghi, Wenzu w shabu jippretendu li dan jaqsam wkoll l-unika tuffieha li ghandu maghhom...anke jekk lili jhallulu n-nofs li jkun mhassar u jhalluh jittewweb. Allura Gann, jekk ma jkollikx hafna tuffieh x'taqsam ma Wenzu w shabu mhemmx cans ghal kompremess! Dik hija l-verita Gann! Insellimlek.
The project that Mr.Dalli mentioned wasn't the only project that was lost from Malta. I know of another project of an investment of more than 1.6 billion U.S.Dollars that was also ignored. I also know why. But this is Malta under the P.N. All the information will be given at an appropriate time.
We should all listen to what Commissioner Dalli has to say. No-one is perhaps better equipped than he to reveal the dirt and the filth permeating GonziPN. Good thing a progamme like 'Affari taghna' exists on television. In its absence it would be impossible to get to know what lies behind some of the more mysterious decisions taken by GonziPN against reason and rationality. 'Xarabank' and 'Bondi +' are not meant to reveal the secrets of this Government but to conceal them. Thank God for 'Affari taghna'. Through it not only democracy is bolstered but the way can be paved for a better future for the entire nation. People of good will ought to be grateful to John Bundy and his staff.
@ Thorny May be he got to One Station becausehe felt comforatable there with an ex-PN candidate who both of the got the same medicine from the PN. Shut you mouth or you will be kicked out. Both of them got the same thing, a kick out but the PN got it wrong because both of themn didn't shut their mouths and both of them ara a pain in the ### of the PN. Good job you're doing both of you, keep it up. ex PN.
Keith Goodlip
The American proposal was more than likely rejected because the dirty hands in Malta were not in a position to get any kickbacks.
Luke Camilleri
Why has John Dalli got to go to One Station if he wants to hit back at his rival Gonzi if he has a grudge, especially onhis exile? Isn't Gonzipn an open party where all are given the opportunity to have their say? Why are John Dalli's views not aired within the Nationalist party, on the Nationalist Media, and why not on PBS where Lou and Peppi can give a drilling and possible dedicate a program to John Dalli's views. I would call the program - GonDalli : )
who have not YET passedfrom a seperation HIMSELF or soemone from his FAMILY, doesn't know a thing or care about ,so shut up as you don't understand ,this doesn't concern You FOr NOW! Till in the future it may concerns you. 2. Prime Minister, you dr.Tonio Borg ,Dr.Tonio Fenech and Dr,.Austin Gatt, have made the biggest mistake about the divorce law. 2.Mr.Prime Minister I think now it's evedent that your nemesis who is out of Malta is watching everything and I think he is waiting for the right time to get your place.. I am not a strategist person just a person who looks well:) If I was you I change tactics and listen to the people's needs and make everyone happy :) and maybe you will get back your popularity!
Perhaps commissions were not involved