Spoonbills ‘decimated’ over Delimara

Hunters have decimated Spoonbills as they approached the Delimara peninsula. 

The massacre was reported to have occurred last Friday as the migrating Spoonbills, which were seeking shelter on from gale force winds around the Maltese Islands.  

Delimara is renowned for illegal hunting, is technically illegal at this time of the year all around the Maltese islands.

The shooting of protected bird species is condemnable forthwith. Mr/Mrs Whatever Thorny, I concur with you that no punishment will bring back these exquisite birds. Nonetheless, thanks for the endearing title you donned on all and sundry. I was at work and then at home all through yesterday. Likewise all hunters but a mere handful. Abolitionists- I prefer to call them Vomits of Nature!
Raymond Falzon
vrsmith1954 Nobody is going to miss you ! except maybe...
charlene cassar
I have a suggestion for the authorities - do not open the 'legal' hunting season ( if there is going to be one) unless these butchers are turned in, maybe even by their fellow hunters (the ones who are trying to toe the line ).
Luke Camilleri
The irresponsabile few shouild be punished. THeir punishment wil never be big enough to restore the life of such wonderful creatures! Shame on you! Hunters - I prefer to call them Terrrorists of Nature!
vrsmith1954 this is in no way to condone illegal hunting but whether you come or not is of no concern of ours. You should see what is done in other countries such as the UK before you criticize others. As they say you had better look in the mirror before criticizing others.
I am not in favour of the shooting of birds but I find it childish to blame all the island for the irresponsibility of the few. I would never boycot a country simply because of irregularities that take place and that are cause by others. Is that the reason you don't want to come to Malta or is it that you cannot afford a plane ticket?
I am the son of a maltese woman, and i love the island and the people. But I shall never ever go back while you tolerate this senseless destruction of wildlife. When will the Maltese understand that these birds are not theirs to kill for fun, they belong to the world! do the Maltese people not realize how much this type of thing affects their international reputation? How much could you earn from eco-tourism, from bird-watchers, from nature lovers the world over? It is so so stupid and wasteful.