Gonzi to descend on JPO’s constituency

Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi is set to make a political statement this morning by descending on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s main constituency, Attard, accompanied by former minister Francis Zammit Dimech, and MEP David Casa.

In a public dialogue this morning, Gonzi said "We cannot focus on divorce and forget everything else such as stability and economic progress. 

Present at the talk are Minister for resources and rural affairs George Pullicino and MP Beppe Fenech Adami.

The move comes in the wake of a politically convulsive week as the Prime Minister struggled to keep up with the constant pressures from within his own benches over the divorce issue.

On Wednesday, Gonzi had to give in to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s intransigent position during the House Business Committee, when he challenged Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg to hold a parliamentary debate next week.

Two consecutive rulings by Speaker Michael Frendo saved the Prime Minister from losing his majority in the House, as Pullicino Orlando made it clear that he would have been voting in favour of a Labour motion that called for a referendum on divorce, together with the questions to be put to the electorate.

Senior government and PN officials slammed their hands on tables as they witnessed an impotent Prime Minister falling victim to a constant shifting of goalposts.

Just as Lawrence Gonzi attempted to bridge the divide by personally meeting and then writing to Joseph Muscat and proposed a simple and generic question to the electorate that did not reflect the bill but rather on a straightforward position on the introduction of divorce, Pullicino Orlando stood his ground.

Gonzi and Pullicino Orlando continued to lock horns on Thursday, when the two met at Castille and discussed the way forward.

As he emerged from Castille following the meeting, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando attempted to diffuse the tensions and growing media speculation that government stability was at risk.

“This is about the introduction of divorce in Malta and nothing more. I will never threaten the stability of government and don’t want to bring the government down,” Pullicino Orlando said, but he added: “should the referendum question be reduced to a generic one, then I would prefer to campaign for a ‘No’ as it would practically give any government the right to introduce a Las Vegas style of divorce.”

As the Prime Minister waited for replies from the Opposition, came a bolt from the blue: a police report was filed by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Labour MP Evarist Bartolo, claiming suspicion that their cell phones were tapped.

This morning Lawrence Gonzi intends to blitz Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s village. It’s where the MP he grew up and where his family is mostly known.

Gonzi – who will be accompanied by his wife Kate – never visited Attard and will be taken around homes, clubs and cafe’s around the locality.

Lawrence Gonzi will also deliver a speech at the Attard PN club, which committee is made up mainly of Pullicino Orlando’s canvassers.

Pauline Moran
Kemm sejjer orrut salgister...
Dan il-kumment ma sarx b'dan il-mod,billi l-ewwel parti tieghu giet imhawwda b'tali mod li ma gietx tiftihem. Nirreferi ghall parti li tibda mill bidu sa fejn hemm,mis-socjeta aktar il quddiem.
Progettimpenn Gvern b'impenn Zwieg b'sahtu Zwieg imkisser Familja Kuntenta Familja Ndannata Pajjiz Ghani Pajjiz Imhawwad Zwieg imkisser Zwieg imkisser Soluzzjoni Zwieg Null Soluzzjoni li taghzel int minghajr Separazzjoni jew Koabitazzjon hadd ma jimponilek, F'kelma wahda tkun poggut. Divorzju,Separazzjoni jew Koabitazzjoni. Bi-zwieg Null,tkun tista tizzewweg Bid-Divorzju tkun tista terga anke jekk kellek it-tfal min dak li mill-gdid anke jekk kellek it-tfal suppost kien zwieg li ma kienx min dan iz-zwieg. jezisti.It-tfal jigu ma jezistux ukoll? It-tfal jibqghu jezistu bhala tfal minn Dawn veru ikunu diskiminati zwieg li kien jezisti izda ma rnexxiex. mis-socjeta aktar il-quddiem. Huwa tajjeb li meta zwieg isib ruhu f'diffikulta, ikum hemm kull mezz ta'rikonciljazzjoni possibbli, izda meta tezawrixxi il possibiltjiet kollha fl'ahhar trid issib is-soluzzjoni. Dan bhall meta jkollok pazjent marid, li jkun tant gravi li jigi mghoti kull assisstenza possibbli u anke jitpogga fuq il magna biex jinzamm haj ghall certu perjodu ta'zmien. Izda finalment trid tittiehed decizzjoni,meta ikolla tintefa il magna. Meta il-pazjent imut,issirlu id-difna ,darba ghall dejjem. Hekk huwa dak iz-zwieg li marad, hu tajjeb li tipprova tfejqu b'kull mezz u taghmel kull ma hemm bzonn. Izda meta wara li tkun ghamilt dan kollu,xorta ma jkun hemm ebda tama ta' fejqan,xi hadd irid jiehu id-decizzjoni li jitfi il magna. U la dan ikun miet, ikun inutli li tipprova izzommu haj fuq il magna. Hu ideali u zgur mixtieqa minn kullhadd li kieku ma jkollniex zwigijiet li jkollhom tant diffikultajiet li jaslu li jintemmu. Izda ir-realta hi xort'ohra. Ejja noffru soluzzjoni lill dawn in-nies u mhux nigu naqghu u nqumu mit-tbatija li jkunu ghaddejjin minnha. Darba qassiss qal,li jekk jidhol id-divorzju, inkunu qed immorru ghaz-zwieg bil-mentalita li nistghu nerghu lura mill-kelma li nkunu tajna. Dan ma jaghmilx sens. Allura meta huwa gie biex jiddeciedi sabiex jidhol qassiss,mar b'dik il mentalita li jista johrog? Qal li ahna nkunu tajna il-kelma lis-sieheb jew is-siehba taghna u ma nistghux nerghu lura minnha. Huma jkunu taw il-kelma u il-weghda taghhom lill-Alla nnifsu, u mhux lill-persuna bhalhom.
The segretary general of the P.N.said,that the Gonzipn didn't made a U-Turn on issue of devorce. According to this incompitent idiot,the Prime Minister has always kept his position on this issue,and made no U-Turns. You could'nt be more wrong. how can you sustain this,when even newspapers that traditonally support and see eye to eye with the P.N.are confused on the numerous U-Turns which your party have made in the last few weeks. True and loyal nationalists are baffled by their party position against devorce, and in the same time,Mr.Gonzipn will be giving a free vote to his M.P's and his followers? The P.N. is simlpy imposing on his followers to tow the party lines,otherwise it will be a huge defeat to the P.N.and to the leader himself. It's up to the people to decide weather the P.N.have been forced to make these U-Turns by the circumstances that the party found himself in? Do you think that the people are idiots like yourself? They know who's telling the truth. They know who in reality gave everyone a free vote,and not imposing his personal belief on his M.P.s and it's followers.
Micheal Bonanno
softturtle u astrolux. Tarawx kbir. L-elezzjoni ghad fadlilha. U mhux qieghed nitkellem politikament. Kemm il-Partiti u kemm il-pajjiz ma naqbelx li ghandha ssir elezzjoni ghalissa.
@ surfturtle naqbel mieghek f'kollox barra li l-Gvern ma jwassalx sa l-ahhar tas-sena, imma jiena nghidlek li f'Mejju mhux referndum fuq il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju jkollna imma ELEZZJONI GENERALI.
Pauline Moran
Bongu Wenz!! Ghal naqra waqqajtni min fuq is sodda dalghodu bid dahk! Smajt li hiereg fuq H' Attard. Veru? Niggarantilek li voti ta MONTE CARMELI kollha ser tahtafhom. Dawk in number 1 zgur ser jtuk. Ma tiflaqx taqa ghac cajt, dejjem b'xi buzullotta gdida?...ISSA XIERAQ XORTA WAHDA JAQBZEK BIL VOTI, JEFFREY...imbaghad veru jkollok taghmel xi sena l-boghod min Malta daqs kemm tkun waqajt fir ridokolu! Isma minni jahasra Wenz, ili nghidlek u nirrepeti ruhi, mur hu bela kafe' ghand Gorg f' San Anton u ghidli sabiex ixxolji il Parlament ghax il Gvern tieghek mhuiex ser isalva sa l-ahhar tas sena.
sunday morning 20/2/2011 . what a good day to begin thanks Lawrence Gonzi for the day you started with:) Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll can't you see how ridicolous you are acting? yes go their with your wife - to pose for photos lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll _____________________________________ and when you loose control , you will reap the harvest you have sown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!