Trust in political leaders lowest ever

A MaltaToday surveys shows that trust for political leaders is at an all time low. 

Trust for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and support for the PN have decreased slightly with a four-point percentage point drop. But so has the trust in Joseph Muscat. This is the lowest trust rating for the Prime Minister in the last three years and comes after the honoraria saga.  Opposition leader Joseph Muscat floats at 32.7% but is the lowest in three years. 

The survey also records the highest number of people who says they will not vote.

Between Lawrence Gonzi and Joseph Muscat who do you trust most? (%)

                             Feb 2011  Nov 2010   Sep 2010    Mar 2010   Sep 2008

Lawrence Gonzi   21.6          22.3              24.6               26.3             30.8

Joseph Muscat     32.7          36.5              33.3               38.9              43.7

None                       22.7         15.8              17.3               21.4               17

Don’t know             23            25.4              24.8              13.4               8.6


Read more in MaltaToday's printed edition

Whiteowl I believe that gravity does not exist. Good luck with your dreaming. Muscat is a kid, a wanna be child. He is so immature. No idea of what it takes to run a government. Vera, childish and so immature ta
I remember the survey by this paper leading to the last general election. What a load of rubbish. obviously it was so baised towards the MLP and now they are doing the same towards the MLPPL. The proof was in the pudding as the MLP went on to lose the election despite the MT announcing a landslide for the MLP. This paper is doing a gret disservice issuing fake surveys. Whatever this paper says about divorce, we should all go out to vote and not take notice of the pro-divorce sudo surbeys that this paper will put out. They wil try to make it seem like a clear no in teh referendum so that people won't bother votoing agains divorce. You are fooling nobody MT
I believe Muscat will always come out better than Gonzi in all he does ...He will be a better Leader that is for sure ..
Still Muscat's showing comes out as quite strong when compared to Gonzi's. The fact is that a figure lower than Gonzi's showing would be touching the party's hard core support which is completely inconceivable. The gap between Gonzi's and Muscat's support figures bears the projectionally massive difference in the support enjoyed on the national, as opposed to the party, level.
I wonder why !