Like Muscat said ‘No’ to consensus, I will continue saying ‘No’ to divorce – PM

Euro MP and controversial political figure David Casa has compared Labour leader Joseph Muscat to Josef Stalin, the man responsible for the genocide of millions of Russians . Researchers before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union attempting to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million 

Addressing a political dialogue meeting  in Attard, which happens to be Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s main constituency, Gonzi said that no matter how the divorce referendum question is put, the outcome will still remain the same: “People will be asked to vote if they are in favour or against turning marriage into a courtship.”

Gonzi stressed divorce would make marriage non-binding. Referring to the lack of consensus between him and the Leader of the Opposition Joseph Muscat on the question, Gonzi said “Why can’t we ask our citizens a simple question? Sugared or not, it will still have the same end result.”

Gonzi claimed marriages in Malta are stable and divorce will only lead to destabilising them.

Referring to the letters sent between the two leaders, Gonzi said Muscat is not able to reach a consensus in the interests of the Maltese. “As usual, he said ‘No’,” Gonzi said, adding he had the duty to “open people’s eyes”.

He said at first he could not understand why Muscat had suddenly decided he didn’t want to discuss the bill but had insisted on discussing the referendum.

“Then everything was made clear when Muscat thought I would set the referendum date on a week before the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows,” Gonzi said, criticising him for thinking “government would be so insensitive.”

“This is a serious matter and I’m not here to play games,” the Prime Minister insisted. “This issue should be discussed in depth and not decided upon overnight.”

Gonzi also said he has “registered” Muscat’s stubborn reply of no. “Like Muscat who keeps saying ‘No’ to dialogue, I will keep saying ‘No’ to divorce and ‘Yes’ to family unity.”

Amid applause from the audience, Gonzi promised the Nationalist Party will do everything they can to win the next general elections.

“Unlike the Labour Party who keeps promising short-term initiatives, we look for long-term results, which at the end are the result of a sound government,” Gonzi said, making a dig at the Labour’s short-lived governance.

Referring to the government stocks issued this week, Gonzi said there had been an over-subscription. “If, as the PL claims, people have lost their trust in us, how can such results be possible?” he questioned.

On the current situation in the Middle East, the Prime Minister said the European Union should encourage stability, peace, respect for human rights and freedom of expression.

He then turned back to Malta, stressing political stability and economic progress were Malta’s priorities adding that such stability leads Malta to prosper in all sectors, including the family who will benefit from Malta's success.

Gonzi also referred to the current economic instability in Ireland, the country on which Malta’s proposed bill on divorce is based on. “Ireland was best known as the economic tiger and now it is facing thousands of jobless citizens with companies closing down.”

This, he said, is a clear example why Malta should not forget everything else and concentrate only on the divorce issue. “Today Ireland is not talking about divorce but it is trying to find ways to restabilise itself,” he said.

Present at the meeting were also former Minister Francis Zammit Dimech and MEP David Casa.

Both Zammit Dimech and Casa said they admired their leader for being able to take decisions, “which at the time would not be popular but would eventually yield great results.”

Zammit Dimech said the PN had “genuine trust” in the Maltese. “We always believed in the abilities of the Maltese and we believe the Maltese will trust in the PN at the moment of truth.”

Comparing Muscat to Stalin, the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Casa said it was easy for the leader of the Opposition to give his opinion on divorce whilst the Labour Party is not able to take a stand.

Casa then criticised the Oppostion for always finding fault in whatever the government chooses and decides. “Whilst the President of the EP and the German Chancellor praised Malta for it success and should be of example to other countries, it’s always the PL who seems not register Malta’s success,” Casa said.

Gonzi rega semma li jekk ikollna d-divorzju nergghu insiru gharajjes ! Forsi l-hsieb tal-PM hu idea tajba. Ghax dawk il-koppji li spiss jitllewmu etc.. jekk jergghu isiru "gharajjes", kif qed jghid il-prim, jergghu jibdew ihobbu lil xulxin bhal meta kienu ghadhom gharajjes qabel izzewgu ! Insomma, ghandna prim li m'hawnx bhalu fid-dinja ! Hemm biss bhalu fuq il-qamar !! Eddy Privitera
I think the first divorce that is required before any divorce legislation can become a reality is for the State of Malta to seek divorce from the Roman Church. Malta needs a new constitution to ensure that this separation is clear and complete. The Vatican has been holding the puppet strings for centuries and has cast a spell not only on the Maltese political system but in particular the Maltese psyche itself - well - with a few exceptions who have managed to escape the parochial island mentality.
Kompli ghazaq sur PM... Why are you pushing so much against divorce? Why are you trying to convince people that you care for the families; when it is very clear that you don't? Families are broken down not because a country has the civil right of divorce, but because parents need to work day and night, because they are paid less than minimum wage, because they are not adequately paid for overtime, because the water and electricity bills are exorbitant, becuase Malta has experienced amongst the highest inflations in EU, because the cost of fuel in Malta is higher than many of our EU partners albeit our salaries are amongst the lowest!!! This is why families in Malta are suffering sur PM... Re David Casa... How can you compare anyone to Stalin?! Do you really know what Stalin represents?! Honestly I cannot believe that we have people like you representing us in the European parliament!! Take my advice and simply shut up and don't say anything.. At least tiffranka li taqa ghac-cajt..
Thanks Alan Smith. I enjoyed your sense of humour. I had a good laugh! I wonder who will take up the roles of Larry, Moe and Curly Joe. Sadly Snow White is missing from the picture. Cristina Dolores would make a good candidate.
Pauline Moran
Wenz...dak il Qanfud li hemm bilqieghda hdejk nahseb tfixkel lil Guzeppi mieghek. Isma naqra x'kien qal J.Stalin darba wahd fost l-ohrajn... "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". Joseph Stalin Smajta ddoqq it trumbetta Wenz....Saqsijhom lin nies ma liema Partit tista tqabbel din is sentenza???
Nahseb ghandi bzonn kikkra kafe ohra:) compared JM to Josef Stalin.(well same company , I will explain here the malice and the lies). If the Vatican and Jesuits are not up to their eyeballs in provoking wars and creating general chaos worldwide, then why did Georgetown Jesuit priest, Edmund A. Walsh, handpick and place mass murderer Joseph Stalin into power? If Walsh wasn’t a kingpin in the New World Order, how could he have the power to use American money to fund Russian communism? How could he have had the power to handpick FDR and Eisenhower to push a phony, controlled World War II onto the American people? How could Walsh, the creator of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, have had the power to act as chief consultant to the Nuremburg trial judges in order to keep the Jesuits and Vatican connection to the Nazis out of the public record as well as ensuring some prominent Nazis were never convicted? Josef Stalin ;-) read investigative journalism :D THE PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW:
Cathedral of Santiago every year on the eve of July 25th, when the king offers Spain to its patron, St. James. In 2004 the Archbishop used the occasion to denounce the new socialist Prime Minister Zapatero and said that the Church had every right to interfere in national politics when this involved “the salvation of souls”. [1] Of course, the Church has the democratic right, like everyone else, to speak out in the pulpit or newspapers. However, he seemed to be defending the tactic whereby the Church calls on Catholic MPs to vote down legislation it doesn't like. When it does this, the leftist politician, Gaspar Llamazares, accuses the Church of “delegitimising parliament”.
No2: Queen Isabella's concordat of 1851 was abrogated in 1931, but Generalissimo Franco, restored Church privileges in his concordat of 1953 (for which the pope decorated him). However, he guarded his right to appoint bishops, and only his death allowed the pope to regain control of the clergy through a new concordat in 1976. By then the Vatican was obliged to agree to more separation of church and state. Generalissimo Franco and the Vatican As a wartime ruler Franco got a modus vivendi — and only when his survival seemed assured was he dignified with a concordat. He gave the Church a religious monoploy and control of education and the press. In reutrn he was allowed to style his dictatorship a "monarchy" and secure royal concordat privileges
Buongiorno:) l-ewwel ma laqtitni David Casa ixebbah lil General Franco ma JM? isma ahn aahna jew mahniex? almenu hemm persuna hawn Malta ghadhu haj, li ghamel haga bhal General Franco, il- Concordat mal-Vatikan in 1993 !!!!!!! kemm qeghdin sew david Casa - waqajt fil-kaza issa gbin ;-)
It should be up to the people to decide.It should be passed through parliament and let whoever want to use it. Gonzi should have choosen a different career in priest hood not Prime Minister. Politics and church do not mix.
While I disagree with Gonzi on many issues, I would not contemplate comparing him with Hitler or Stalin. It would be an insult to my intelligence. To say that he is on the right is to state the obvious. His behaviour however is symptomatic of a malaise that has taken over the government, one that it will not be easy to push away. Divorce is a question of choice. Having divorce legislation is offering people to make their own decision with their lives. You do not even have to be in favour of divorce to support such legislation. That is why I cannot understand the stance taken by the two PL MPs.
Carry On Casa!! I will never comprehend how people can elect such an empty vessel as an MEP? Whenever David speaks, the PM must be so terrified about what he's about to day. Today he managed to beat himself in utter stupidity and irrelevance. Pity the president of the EP forgot to mention Casa's great achievements in the EU. Apalling!!!!
Gonzi ma jafx x'qed jghid: Iz-zwieg f'Malta m'huwiex permanenti. Kull min irid jista illum f'Malta taht Gonzi prim ministru jitlaq lil partner tieghu u jekk irid jew trid tmur tghix ma persuna ohra. Dan huwa fatt li ma jista jmerih hadd inklux Gonzi. La dan huwa veru kif nistghu nghidu li z-zwieg hu ghal dejjem? Id-divorzju ma jbiddel xejn min dan il-fatt. Imma jekk wiehed/wahda lijkun ha d-divorzju u jrid jerga jizzewweg flok poggut jew kif jghidu certi nies ko ah bit in, nghidulu mizzewweg u t-tfal li kulhadd bil-paroli jghid li jhobb flok bghula ikunu legittimi. Din hi l-frattarija kollha. Il-problema hi li nghamlu x'nghamlu zwigijiet imkissra kien hawn, illum hawn aktar, u ghada se jerga jkollna aktar, jidhol jew ma jidholx id-divorzju. Id-divorzju jittiehed ghax iz-zwieg ikun tkisser ghal-kollox. Hadd ma jkisser iz-zwieg biex hames snin ohra japplika ghad-divorzju u min jaf kemm wara forsi jiehdu.
And would Gonzi tell us why before he was elected leader he was reported as saying that gay men and lesbians should not become NP candidates? And would he care to tell us who was or who were the other members of the Party seeking the Party's leadership?
Does he mean Josef Stalin who reintroduced anti-gay legislation in Russia? Is Casa not familiar with Muscat's and the PL's stance on homosexuality? Scraping the bottom of the barrel.
@ JCC no they are all Divorced .........from reality
The picture shows Gonzi with Zammit Dimech and Casa. I take it all three are happily married with wives. Any info in this regard?
@briffs the labour leader is in favour of divorce and has stated that he will campaign for the introduction of divorce. That is not sitting on the fence. It is obvious that there are those within the PL group who are not and therefore labour could not force it on them. The PN is against despite have various MPs who are in favour. Now tell me sincerely that the PN stand is a bold one when it obviously does not reflect the opinion of the group. Also do you know how the vote to decide on the position within the PN was taken and how many members voted?
duncan abela
Joseph Stalin on one side and extreme right wing on the other. Why do we have to resort to such degrading monikers. I suspect that such degrading expressions come from an inability to properly use the spoken word to expressi ourselves in a forceful way. Ultimately of course in a democracy it is the one who has the majority who leads and has his way. At the moment on the divorce score it is JPO+PL . So either the PM has to convince JPO to toe the party line or graciously accept that on this issue he is in a minority. I do not expect it is in the PM's character to make a foolish principled stand in Alfred Sant vote of confidence style.
Jeffrey Vella
Divorce is not a matter of opinion,it is a matter of introducing a civil right that is available in almost every country in the world. I just cannot understand Gonzi who sees cohabitation as acceptable and divorce as not. As for Casa,who cares about what he says.
Joseph Sant
I really have to say something about the second photo attached to this article. I think there should be a law prohibiting politicians lifting innocent children for photo opportunities, even if it is with the consent of the parents. I wonder what Appogg and the Commissioner for Children have to say about this.
Angela Merkel’s CDU has just suffered its first defeat. The party has lost Hamburg after 10 years to the SPD. In the coming months there are other six important appointments with the hustings and the CDU will have to defend itself in three other regions: Saxony-Anhalt on 20 March, Baden-Wuerttemberg on 27 March and Meckleburg-West Pomerania on 4 September. Trouble is brewing for GonziPN’s friends. Your days are numbered, Herr Casa. You may continue to live your lie (you know what we mean by that) but not too far in the future you’ll have to live it back home, here, where it is less easy for you, unless your bosom friend Simon will be leading the party instead of the Gonz. He will be more understanding than the hard-core Tory now (shakily) at the helm.
Luke Camilleri
Comparing himself to Joseph now, what will Gonzipn gurus think of next? As for David Casa has comparing Labour leader Joseph Muscat to Josef Stalin, I just cannot comprehend how this chap gets the electorate to vote for him, maybe he makes them laugh so much?! Must be the same voters that vote for Copy Cat David Agius!
Dr Muscat has no intention of giving up ever since he has JPO's backing. Does it make sense for the PN to be forced into legislating something which goes against PN's principles? Is Dr. Gonzi going to accept to be the one who introduced divorce in Malta?
Joseph Pellicano
casa veru sigaru bil provi.
Pauline Moran
CASA-NOSTRA minn daqs tant nies int qed titkellem fuq Stalin?? Ghalfejn ma tmurx tara kif ser tirranga l-attitudni kerha u l-pozi ta mara li ghandek. Ma tridiex ta xi mudell hux...qisek Qanfud bis sola!
Luke Camilleri
Is that your "CONSENSUS" Dr. Gonzi? You and your Party or Gonzi p.N. should publish an updated dictionery with the updated meanings of works like - Lies U-turns concensus promises ( pre-electoral) promises (post electoral) pledges ( pre-electoral) pledges (post-electoral) trust democracy freedom of speech accountability, transparency responsability state-of-the-art!
Isabelle Borg
Dawn li jsejhu lilhom infushom insara(sic)
Keith Goodlip
Typical of Gonzi's skewed thought patterns. If a marriage is stable and divorced is introduced, how in hell will that stable marriage be destabilised? Do people STILL listen to this looney
Keith Goodlip
Typical of Gonzi's skewed thought patterns. If a marriage is stable and divorced is introduced, how in hell will that stable marriage be destabilised? Do people STILL listen to this looney
@Martin Borg Vote Labour??? Not in a million years! I condemn PN for taking a medieval position on divorce but I`m sorry to say that by sitting on the fence PL is just as guilty. I am fed up with this generation of pathetic politicians who don`t give a toss about minority interests and just play chess in a weak attempt to fool the people and win votes. What a bunch of losers and I mean both red and blue!!.
Jon Sciberras
Why on earth are these Politicians interfering ! Realistically the PM is telling all those sheep out there "If you are Nationalist, you will vote NO". So then the silly sheep go vote no and the real issue is wronged !!! Keep politicians out of the divorce issue. Do not encourage them. Speak your minds. We are not sheep.
Casa comparing Muscat to Stalin? Here you have an idea who David Casa is.
@briffs You and those of like mind have to do your bit ................. VOTE LABOUR
David Casa's comments that has compared Labour leader Joseph Muscat to Josef Stalin, the man responsible for the genocide of millions of Russians show that David Casa is dishonest,arrogant, and he goes beyond stupidity. If David Casa does not apologize to Dr Muscat he is instigating a sense of hatred in the country. David Casa is trying to demonize Dr Muscat and his comments show that he has no social skills and do not respect the opinion of others. My family friends and I are very sorry for this attack on Dr Muscat.
I have been a Nationalist all my life but to hear my Prime Minister to say that he has a duty to open my eyes is tantamonunt to saying that I don`t have a mind of my owm. How utterly patronising! The way PN is handling the divorce matter is a guarantee that they will fail miserably at the next elections and quite frankly they deserve it!
So i guess we should base all our feelings and opinions on whatever some guys with cushy jobs in Brussels say. Of course Mr.CASSA it is the President of the EP and the German Chancellor who know what we are all feeling. Sorry sweetie if we don't agree ta hi Qalbi. Bye the way did Cassa or ZD have anything to say on the Divorce issue?
Consensus ghal Dr.Gonzi tfisser li taghmel li jghid hu. Tant derha bil Gonzi PN li jahseb li ghadu jista jiddetta kif u meta irid lil kullhadd meta jaf li qed izomm fil gvern fuq bicca siggu li beda jisloga. Rigward dak li qal dak...x'ismu? e David Casa............nistenna bil herqa Bondi Plus li imiss ghax zgur jaghmel programm fuqu. Lilek kien jonqsu il PN biex ikompli jhaffer il hofra li jinstab fiha.
Joseph Sant
This headline is a beauty - since you won't let me have my own way I will have my own way, or better put, heads you lose tails I win. This seems to have become Gonzi's only brand of logic. Puerile and pathetic.
It seems that Gonzi thinks that "consensus" means everyone agreeing with him. Perhaps his party should get him a good dictionary.
Minn daqstant nies CAsa jrid jitkellem? Prim Ministru tal-LE. Imbaghad AHNA nghidulek LE fl-elezzjoni bhal ma inti ghedt "se nivvota. U se nivvota bil-Qalb". Hekk se naghmlu ahna fl-elezzjoni li gejja. Se nivvutaw LE ghalik u ghall-partit tieghek. U se nivvutaw bil-QALB.
David Casa is in no position to call anyone we all know the guy is living a lie in not accepting his own sexuality .He looks like the sort of guy who calls from the side- lines...Maybe if the guy was straight with us all we would start to listen to what he has to say .
I always thought it takes two to tango!
Zack Depasquale
Imma min daqs dawk nies fid-dinja casa irid jitkellem. L-ikbar Kretin tal-politika Maltija. Irid Dr Gonzi jiftakar ukoll li wiehed min tieghu, zgur mhux jaqbel mal-mistoqsija li jrid Dr Gonz. Nghida u nerga nghida, consensus stil Gonzi huwa li kulhadd jaghmel li jrid hu. Ahjar l-ewwel jibdew jaqblu mieghu in-nies tal-Grupp Parlamentari Nazzjonalista, kif jghidu Charity Begins At Home. Fuq Dr Alfred Sant tista tghid hafna affarijiet imma meta ra li sejjer jibda jberraq akkost li kien jaf li sejjer jitlef l-ellezjoni irezenja u ma baqghax imwahhal mas-siggu tal-poter. Dr Gonzi jekk jemmen li ghandu ragun daqshekk missu l-mistoqsija jressaqha quddiem il-Parlament u jorbota ma vot ta'fiducja inqas min hekk, nemmen li ghandna gvern li wasal fil-punt li ma jistax jibqa jiggverna aktar, u kull ma qieghed jaghmel hu management by crisis fejn qieghed jiggverna ghal prezent biss u ma jarax il-konsegwenzi t'ghada.
Alex Grech
this goes beyond stupidity! gonzi is a right wing extremist and now muscat is a new stalin! are these people on some kind of drugs?!?!
Gidra unur ghal Casa izjed kummenti hela TA' hin il veru MISKIN u PATETIKU
Ilna nafu li dan Casa gidra u injurant daqsu ftit hawn. Imma din kbira wisq. Lanqas bniedem bla kultura ta' xejn bhal Casa ma tistnennieha minnu.Hallina, Casa, mur tghallem xi haga. Mhux billi qieghed tirrapprezenta lill-bhahen li vvotawlek, min jaf kemm qed tghid cucati fl-UE!
Ireland's economics tied to the Ireland's divorce law is as stupid as stupid is. Looks the anti-divorce lobby is going ga-ga and the wierdest excuses are being dreamt up they are not only scrapping the bottom but alsothe otherside of it. It is no wonder that the church steered clear of the debate otherwise with the crap the anti-divorce lobby is coming up with would have damaged further the church's credibility. How saintly of gonzi to refuse the referendum being held a week before the Duluri as if a couple of weeks later is going to make any difference.
so now the PL should compare Gonzi to Catholic spanish dictator Franco? oh, come on, Casa grow up. We need better politics than this.