Like Muscat said ‘No’ to consensus, I will continue saying ‘No’ to divorce – PM
Euro MP and controversial political figure David Casa has compared Labour leader Joseph Muscat to Josef Stalin, the man responsible for the genocide of millions of Russians . Researchers before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union attempting to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million
Addressing a political dialogue meeting in Attard, which happens to be Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s main constituency, Gonzi said that no matter how the divorce referendum question is put, the outcome will still remain the same: “People will be asked to vote if they are in favour or against turning marriage into a courtship.”
Gonzi stressed divorce would make marriage non-binding. Referring to the lack of consensus between him and the Leader of the Opposition Joseph Muscat on the question, Gonzi said “Why can’t we ask our citizens a simple question? Sugared or not, it will still have the same end result.”
Gonzi claimed marriages in Malta are stable and divorce will only lead to destabilising them.
Referring to the letters sent between the two leaders, Gonzi said Muscat is not able to reach a consensus in the interests of the Maltese. “As usual, he said ‘No’,” Gonzi said, adding he had the duty to “open people’s eyes”.
He said at first he could not understand why Muscat had suddenly decided he didn’t want to discuss the bill but had insisted on discussing the referendum.
“Then everything was made clear when Muscat thought I would set the referendum date on a week before the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows,” Gonzi said, criticising him for thinking “government would be so insensitive.”
“This is a serious matter and I’m not here to play games,” the Prime Minister insisted. “This issue should be discussed in depth and not decided upon overnight.”
Gonzi also said he has “registered” Muscat’s stubborn reply of no. “Like Muscat who keeps saying ‘No’ to dialogue, I will keep saying ‘No’ to divorce and ‘Yes’ to family unity.”
Amid applause from the audience, Gonzi promised the Nationalist Party will do everything they can to win the next general elections.
“Unlike the Labour Party who keeps promising short-term initiatives, we look for long-term results, which at the end are the result of a sound government,” Gonzi said, making a dig at the Labour’s short-lived governance.
Referring to the government stocks issued this week, Gonzi said there had been an over-subscription. “If, as the PL claims, people have lost their trust in us, how can such results be possible?” he questioned.
On the current situation in the Middle East, the Prime Minister said the European Union should encourage stability, peace, respect for human rights and freedom of expression.
He then turned back to Malta, stressing political stability and economic progress were Malta’s priorities adding that such stability leads Malta to prosper in all sectors, including the family who will benefit from Malta's success.
Gonzi also referred to the current economic instability in Ireland, the country on which Malta’s proposed bill on divorce is based on. “Ireland was best known as the economic tiger and now it is facing thousands of jobless citizens with companies closing down.”
This, he said, is a clear example why Malta should not forget everything else and concentrate only on the divorce issue. “Today Ireland is not talking about divorce but it is trying to find ways to restabilise itself,” he said.
Present at the meeting were also former Minister Francis Zammit Dimech and MEP David Casa.
Both Zammit Dimech and Casa said they admired their leader for being able to take decisions, “which at the time would not be popular but would eventually yield great results.”
Zammit Dimech said the PN had “genuine trust” in the Maltese. “We always believed in the abilities of the Maltese and we believe the Maltese will trust in the PN at the moment of truth.”
Comparing Muscat to Stalin, the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Casa said it was easy for the leader of the Opposition to give his opinion on divorce whilst the Labour Party is not able to take a stand.
Casa then criticised the Oppostion for always finding fault in whatever the government chooses and decides. “Whilst the President of the EP and the German Chancellor praised Malta for it success and should be of example to other countries, it’s always the PL who seems not register Malta’s success,” Casa said.