Briguglio calls on government to come clean on Libya

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Michael Briguglio has appealed to government tp 'come clean' on Libya.

Michael Briguglio, Green Party Chairperson has said: "The PN and the PL should wake up from their multi-decennial servile attitude towards Muammar Gaddafi and condemn all acts of violence, which are totally unacceptable, whilst spurring the EU to make its voice heard".

 "AD expresses its solidarity with the democratic non-violent forces in Libya and in neighbouring countries were people are calling for political change", added Briguglio.

Well done AD!
Is this some kind of joke, Robin Huud? Are you into conspiracy theories big time or what? Decent people all over the world are showing their concern about what is happening in North Africa and particularly in Libya, where hundreds of unarmed people have been brutally murdered. I have never been a fan of either Briguglio or AD but they are perfectly correct on this one. Andy Farrugia alias
Who elected this chap Briguglio to AD Chairperson. A.D must be very hard up in finding decent leaders. The sooner he steps down the better for AD.The situation in Libya is not as simple as it looks. Didn't you all notice that there is a hidden hand behind all this trouble in North Africa???
@truth seeker As Briguglio and AD maintain, our representatives in parliament (PN/PL) should issue a categorical condemnation of the Libyan regime and express their solidarity with the victims of this brutal crackdown, in which hundreds of protestors have been killed. As citizens of these islands we DEMAND that our representatives should condemn the violent suppression of peaceful protestors.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@afar Apologies for the divorce jab. This is much too serious. I'm hooked on AlJazzera. Unless the international community intervenes, this won't stop until all rebels are murdered. At this rate the death toll will rise into thousands.
Truth seeker (forget about divorce for a minute) you are right; i knew that atrocities were being committed by following Sky news, but i just couldn't bear to watch the graphic scenes of the massacre of unarmed people on the clip. Andy Farrugia alias
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
If divorce is a sin, what the heck is THIS?
I believe that the resent visit to Tripoli by our PM and foreign minister was unethical and highly insensitive when you consider the present conditions throughout N Africa which started in Tunisia. I also find it insensitive that our Foreign minister had meetings in Tunis last week with the dust hardly settling from the resent uprising. The new Government can hardly be called a democratic one but still we rushed in to have talks with the new regime.
F'dan il-kaz Briguglio u AD ghandhom ragun; ftit l-isfel min dawn il-gzejjer taghna qed isiru atrocitajiet liema bhalhom. Andy Farrugia