Updated | Evarist Bartolo raises privilege complaint against Security Service Chief

Labour MP Evarist Bartolo has called on Speaker Michael Frendo to investigate a breach of privilege against himself and Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando by Malta Security Services head Godfrey Scicluna.

The accusations of breach of parliamentary privilege come in the wake of previous complaints by both Bartolo and Pullicino Orlando that, last Wednesday, their mobile phones were tapped during a Moviment Iva (pro-divorce camp) activity.

In parliament, Bartolo said that the MSS was tasked with protecting national security from threats such as espionage, terrorism, sabotage, and foreign influences that sought to overthrow or subvert Maltese sovereignty, among things.

“By no stretch of the imagination could the parliamentary work Pullicino Orlandand I were carrying out fall under any of what the MSS does,” Bartolo said.

In the light of this, Bartolo said, both Pullicino Orlando and him are calling on the Speaker of the House to investigate this breach of priviledge.

The said that the request comes after the two already approached the Police Commissioner John Rizzo. Bartolo thanked Rizzo for the serious concern the latter had shown with regards to the concerns tabled by both MPs.

Bartolo added that the two MPs had also already presented a letter to Judge Camilleri (the MSS’s legal representative) as well as requesting that the work of the House is protected by means of an investigation.

Bartolo also said that he is informed that it was not the first time that this ‘service’ was used illegitimately on members of the House “from both sides of the room.”

These, he said, “for some reason had opted not to talk.”

May I suggest a spell checker? I would hate to see this website to turn into another Maltastar.com.....
Dear editor, you did a good thing to delete earlier nasty writings by commentators, including me. However, I think there has to be some sort of balance in the local media (in a functioning democracy) where comments against the Government are not censored as is the case in English pro government tabloids, whilst apologists for the PN say what they want without any censorship. To the point: this new case of telephone tapping by the local secret service-if it is true- is a clear breach of trust by the secret service...against the law abiding citizen.Of course- the local PN gatekeepers-PBS, Net TV Bondi+ Xarabank and the English tabloids will bring all sorts of excuses to hush this scandal down. Thanks again Malta Today.
Mark Fenech
Democracy in Malta - my foot. Hope those opinionists who write always in favour of the government, will have the courage to criticise these undemocratic actions. How is it that we became an EU State in May 2004 and instead of increasing the liberties on the individual, we are seeing actions which are more connected to tolitarian governments. Are we an EU State as a lip service only?