Libya uprising | PM meets AFM Commander, Police Commissioner
UPDATED 09:20 | Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has met with AFM Commander Brig. Martin Xuereb and Police Commissioner John Rizzo last night.
The meeting, described by government officials as "urgent" discussed the current situation in Libya and intelligence reports regarding the possible defection of more Libyan military personnel to Malta and other matters relating to national security.
The Prime Minister also met with Maltese investors in Libya, who are concerned for their staff in Libya and their evacuation.
It was also reported that all AFM personnel have been issued with a notice of 'Stop Leave' to be prepared for any eventuality related to the developing crisis in Libya.

Gonz, jaqaw qed tibza li l-Maltin jaghmlu bhal ma ghamlu t-Tunezini, l-Egizzjani u issa l-Libjani u popli ohra u jqacctuk minn hemm ghax qazzist lil kulhadd? Tghid qed tibza li dan se jigri f'Malta u anki f'pajjizi ohra tal-Unjoni Ewropea ghax issa l-popli xebghu jigu ordnati x'jaghmlu mill-Unjoni Ewropea?

“A meeting with the AMF Commander and Police Commissioner John Rizzo to discuss matters of national security.” This statement raises serious concern.
What is being cooked up behind the nation’s back? Is Dr Gonzi getting the jitters after almost 25 years of corrupt Nationalist Party administration? Or has he realised that the 1, 800 votes majority he gained in the last general election have disappeared?
We joined the EU to be part of a free and democratic League of Nations. Anything less is unacceptable.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has met with AFM Commander Brig. Martin Xuereb and Police Commissioner John Rizzo.
since I was a boy I always knew ,that here we don't have a good national defence security.
what plane you will send just in case to intercept?? hahahhahaa
we don'teven have a jet fighter just in case- luckily they were just seeking political asylum- as 99.9% they did not wanted to shoot to their fellow libyan brothers-

Pauline Moran •
..."and to other matters of national security"...
Xi trid tfisser ezatt b'dak l-istatment, Wenz? Il poplu ser jistenna kjarifika.