AD urges Prime Minister to demand urgent meeting of UN Security Council

Alternattiva Demokratika, The Green Party, has called on Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to demand an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in view of the uprising in Libya.

In its statement, AD spokesperson on International Affairs Arnold Cassola, said Gonzi should ask the UN Secretary General to urgently call a meeting of the Security Council.

"In view of the horrendous escalation of events in Libya, with Gaddafi having ordered his air force to bombard the civil population, we are asking the Maltese Prime Minister to ask UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon to urgently convene the UN Security Council in order to take the appropriate decisions to prevent a massacre happening in the country".

Cassola went on to say that, if needed, UN mandated forces should be sent to Libya to stop the bloodbath.
Michael Briguglio, Chairperson of AD, claimed the UN and the European Union have a lot on their conscience for not having acted promptly in the past.

“Let us not have a repeat of the horrific genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia because of our failure to act.  The democratic world needs to take swift decisions to ensure that the Libyan people are spared this tragedy," he stressed

Briguglio added that AD supports the democratic non-violent forces of opposition in Libya, and urged other political parties in Malta to condemn the brutal methods used by the Gaddafi regime.


Cassola, mhux ahjar ma taghmiliex ta' pruzuntuz u taqta' bicca minn ilsienek? Il-pruzunzjoni tieghek ma tghoddx ghalina ghax ma rridux nidhlu f'basal minhabba fik. Mur gibek kieku kont tikkmanda l-Malta jew kont il-President tal-Gnus Maghquda!!!!!!!!!
Ma nistax nifhem kif certi nies jaslu ghal konkluzjoni daqshekk spontanja; ".....Cassola went on to say that, if needed, UN mandated forces should be sent to Libya to stop the bloodbath". U tghid mhux hekk STOP THE BLOODBATH, mela kull meta marru l-alleanzi mhux bloodbath sar? Sikkina taqta miz-zewg nahat, situazzjoni dellicata.........thruth seeker for God's sake I know many like you who always point out their finger AFTERWARDS one way or the other the authorities will decide to do. U int ja mbiccilli falzonsilvio ma tafx tghid xejn ahjar, nahseb iehor int, jiddecciedi x'jiddeciedi Gonzi se tkun fuq quddiem net biex tikkritikah (sakemm ma tmurx ittih parir). Malta authorities keep it up for your work, decide wisely and with the help of God Malta will come out of this situation with flying colours.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
The whole world said "Never Again" after the Holocaust. Then came Rwanda, Srebernica and the world said "Whooops, how could it have happened again" - AFTERWARDS This is happenning NOW! Already 600 have been killed, who knows how many else? Where is the value of human life we are so proud to uphold?
u ma tarax li ser jaghmlhu hekk- Ibda min Lawrence gonzi- Taf meta jghamel hekk dak? Wara li jkun cert li Muammar Gaddafi tilef il-battalja tieghu. imbaghad jiftah halqu u johrog b'xi haga tal-ghabebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb