'Freeze Gaddafi assets in Malta and tell Sarkozy to stop weapons business' - AD

Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party asks Maltese government to freeze any assets the Libyan dictator and his family might have in Malta and to intervene with the French government as regards French armaments.

Prof. Arnold Cassola, Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs, stated: "The Maltese state should freeze immediately any assets of the Gaddafi family in Malta. This is the least that can be done now to make up a bit for the decades of servile boot licking by both the Nationalist and the Labour party officials, who have serious historical responsibilities, together with other European and World leaders, in giving a semblance of credibility to this callous criminal."

Prof. Cassola continued: "The Mirage fighter planes landing in Malta were armed to the teeth with French produced rocket pods and rockets.  The Maltese government should ask French President to immediately revoke all weapon licences to Libya and stop acting as the travelling salesman for French weapons and nuclear industry".

AD chairperson, Michael Briguglio, added: "Gaddafi is now being accused of genocide by his own Deputy Ambassador at the United Nations.  We urge the Maltese government to support the democratic non-violent forces of opposition in Libya, and the PN and PL to openly condemn the brutal methods used by the Gaddafi regime".

Arnold Cassola ma jidhirx li qed jahseb f'dawk il-Maltin maqbudin il-Libja. X'jigri li kieku konna naghmlu dak li qed jghid li ghandna nghamlu? Is-Sur Arnold Cassola ghandu jistaqsi l-familijari ta' dawk il-Maltin maqbudin il-Libja biex jara jekk li qieghed jghid jghamilx sens jew le ghalihom. L-anqas pajjizi kbar, inkluz l-Istati Uniti, s'issa ma kienu daqstant irresponsabbli u ma qalu u ghamlu xejn kif gie gie, ghax jafu li Gaddafi huwa bniedem perikoloz specjalment f'sitwazzjonijiet bhal dawn. Jiddispjacini nghid imma kull rispett li kelli ghas-Sur Cassola spicca, ghax wera bil-proposti li ghamel f'dawn l-ahhar jiem, kemm hu opportunist u mohhu biss biex johrog b'xi haga li jahseb li se tkun xi 'feat' avoja is-sitwazzjoni hija hafna prekarja.
AD kieku taqtghu bicca minn ilsienkom taghmlu figura ahjar. Kif jghid il-qawl Ingliz, Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
Proset AD- l-unika partit li tkellem sew- minthomx wahedkhom maghkom hemm miljuni ta nies li qed jghamlhu l-istess- iss tkun il-Gnus maqghuda tibzax li titlon li jitwaqfu l-assi ta muammar gaddafi sieheb lawrence Gonzi (mieghu mar kiel politikament u mhux , xorta jibqa l-fatt li moralment ghanqu u kiel u xorob mieghu , u kien gej hawn dalwaqt) Proset AD - miljuni ta nies qed jingabru flimkine dan il-mument jitolbu is -security council tal -Gnus Maqghuda fuq diversi sanzjonijiet . miljuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Grzegorz Tomski
Jistghu ikunu ftit realistici tal-AD? Irridu nkunu prudenti u mela naghmlu li jigina f'mohhna! Dan x'partit hu? Bir-rispett kollu issa.
Raymond Falzon
Qedin Sew dawn Tal AD. Bhal li kiku xi hadd jghati kashom. LOL