Libya asks for Mirages to be returned

The government has been asked to return the two mirage jets that are presently at the Malta International Airport.  The Maltese government has not responded and is evidently buying time to see how the situation will develop in Libya.

The French built Mirages landed in Malta this week, and two senior Libyan pilots defected to Malta demanding political asylum.  They appear to have formed part of a squadron that was detailed to bombard protesters in Benghazi.

Hello maltesers friends, I am Pavlov Borichevskiy, from Irkutsk, motherlands Russia. I have businesses in Irkutsk and other cities in motherlands Russia. Don’t give back jets. I interest in buy the 2 jets fighters. We can make deal for jets with rubber plastic body parts, legs, feets, liverses and stomachses. Or if not like, I trade with hundreds of crates 75 % pure vodka from motherlands Russia. Or maybe some live bears for your circuses. If deal ok, I send assistant Nicolai. You recognize Nicolai immideately. He very ugly. He has 17 cm nose. He likes to dress as bolshevick. If you not like Nicolai, I send long legged Tatyana. She likeses to dresses short, but I tell her to dresses properlys. If want, I send advances payment of crates vodka at your locals nightclub. I will send them with 8 feet bodyguard, Grigor. You recognize van from cockroach killings company, maybe we put gaddaffi picture face near logo. Hope we deal my maltesers friends, Yourses, Pavlov B
avatar The Maltese government never confirmed to that the Libyan government requested back the two Mirage Fighter Jets but other media today, have reported that the Libyan government made the formal request. The aeroplane which yesterday was denied landing, and for some time it was thought to be carrying Aisha Gaddafi, had on board engineers and other pilots with the aim to retrieve the two aeroplanes which are at the Malta International Airport. revealed the Libyan government’s intention two days ago but the Department of Information was in no position to neither confirm nor deny. Our questions are to date unanswered.
The two Libyan Jets are the property of of the Libyan Govourment. Under normal circumstances they would be returned sooner rather than later, but Libya is going through turmoil right now and we would be condemned throughout the World, with possible sanctions, if Malta was to return them now.
Pauline Moran