'The Libyan factor' - Gonzi says growing unrest could lead to economic setback

Prime Minister tells Radio 101 listener that tourism may be affected from growing unrest in region.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has assured listeners on Radio 101 that Malta was not in danger from the unrest in Libya, but warned that the island would encounter economic problems from growing problems around the region.

“Are we in danger?” a listener asked the prime minister in a phone-in on Radio 101 that had been dominated by well-wishers congratulating Gonzi on the success of Malta’s logistical hub.

“No, we’re not… this is not a military conflict between two countries,” Gonzi said. “The scenario we are seeing in Libya is internal, people protesting in the streets.

“But the danger we face is that if this unrest continues to grow in the region, we will be impacted economically, for example on tourism. And of course there is the danger to people who live and work in Libya. But danger of wars… no absolutely,” Gonzi replied.

i do not understand why the crises in Libya has become a partisan political affair here. We have a Dictator in Libya who did not get into power by being elected but through a military take over. The people of Libya have had enough of him and his corrupt officials. They are entitled to a change in leadership. Leaders all over the world shook hands with him because of black gold. Now the people of Libya want him out.We have to respect that. There was not much choice in the past the people then were not protesting. Our politicians too had no choice. Gadaffi always dangled carrots or threats and manipulation. We cannot remain passive under the so called neutral principle because we are part of this world and at some point in time we shall be called to stand up and be counted. We are part of Europe now and we must give our share like we have done in these last few days. Just remember that Gadaffi never allowed us to explore for oil and always kept us tied to his strings. Not even when Dom Mintoff was in power, KMB , EFA and LG.That is Gadaffi. Lets hope that people of Libya win their country back and hopefully we have better relations with our neighbours.
Micheal Bonanno
Maltipur, jiddispjacini nghdlek, imma Antoine Vella u DCG huma zewg persuni differenti. Ta' l-ewwel maghruf hafna ghar-riha li ghandu ddur miegu, u l-ohra ghar-riha li tohrog minn halqha meta tkun qieghda tikteb. Li ghandhom komuni bejniethom hu li jobghodu ghal mewt dak kollu li ghandu x'jaqsam mal-PL.
Antoine Vella/DCG, mela m'hemmx nies jikkummentaw fuq il-blog tieghek biex gejt hawnhekk? Sinjui, Antoine Vella u DCG huma l-istess persuna bhal ma huma diversi ismijiet ohra biex taparsi jidhru li hemm hafna. Issa drajniha l-istorja.
Patricia Marsh
@ antoine Vella yesterday three Tunisians were killed during protests in Tunis. Wasn't our Foreign Minister over there in Tunisia just last week discussing cooperation between the new unelected regime and the maltese elected regime?
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Int min qallek li l-PL qieghed jipprova jahbi l-passat tieghu? Dak inhallu f'idejn il-PN. Ta' bezziegh li hu. Fejn kien fin-1958 meta qamu l-Maltin kontra l-Inglizi? Fejn kienu tal-PN meta waqt ic-celebrazzjonijiet ta' l-Indipendenza (li by the way tghidu x'tghidu kien Mintoff li pproponiha meta ma rnexxielux ta' l-Integration. Tiftakarha tas-Self Determination?)gew imsawwta u mghaffga miz-zwiemel ta' De Gray? Fejn kontu meta Mintoff kien qieghed jinnegozja ma' l-Ingilterra trattat gdid biex Malta tiehu dak l-haqqha fin-1972? Imbaghad tridu tghidu ghal vjolenza? Ghad irrid inkun, jew nafu f'dan il-kaz min kien li nstigaha. Min ippjana dawk il-bombi mal-bibien ta' dawk li kienu qeghdin jikkooperaw mal-Gvern Laburista. Ghad irridu naraw kien nies imdahhla sew fil-korp u f'kazi ta' vjolenza bhal tar-Rabat u tal-Barrani (iva Nazzjonalisti stess kienu li taw in-nar il-karozzi f'dik it-triq)inghataw promotions. Kellu jkun Alfred Sant li tghajjarhom minn hemm. Perezempju tispjegalna tal-Gaketta Blu, jew kif il-balavostri ta' Haz-Zebbug waqghu wehidhom. Inkompli sur Antoine Vella? Ghandi izjed xi nghidlek jekk trid tisma!
Pauline Moran
Antoine, ghamlilna pjacir habib, u oqghod ikteb il hrejjef ma Jane Eyre fuq il Blog taghha. Int wiehed min dawk li tielaq kollox li jghidulek il PN, qisu lil x-xemx telghet ghalik fin 1987 meta tela' l-PN fil Gvern, qisa qabel f'Malta konna nghixu fil prehistoria, meta l-verita hi li kien Mintoff li hareg lil Malta min faqar taqtaw b'sikkina li kien hawn fi zmien Borg Olivier. Il Maltin ma ghandomx bzonn gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti aktar faqruwa lil Malta, min kaxxa mimlija fluz (liri mhux euros) lil halla Dom Mintoff. Il Kaxxa zvutjat, intlejna bid dejn, faqqartu lil Malta u issa lil Maltin u issa ghax wicckom bhal warrani taghkom qed tippretendu li l-poplu jhallas ghal hnizrijiet kollha taghkom!!! Inthom veru nies tahsbu li Malta saret taghkom biss. Il poplu daqt jghidilkom ta minn vera hija Malta...Kompli parla fil vojt u ghid il hmerijiet ja ipokrita iehor!!
Alfred Sant was ashamed of the Mintoff-LMB regime and tried very hard to make us forget it. He knew the Labour would never be accepted as long as those years remained imprinted in the collective memory of the Maltese. . Muscat is foolishly bringing back and refreshing the memory of what most Maltese call 'The Nightmare Years' and anonymous thugs like knocker are giving him a hand. Nice going.
Luke Camilleri
Love Ghadafi? The last photos I saw of Ghaddafi hugging a Maltese Premier were with Lawrence Gonzi! What streak was that? The HYPOCRISY streak the P.N. is assosicated with , not only with Malta Libya relations but even with China , Tnunisia relations.. Your so called Labour's inherent violent streak gave Malta its freedom, gave Malta its' true independence, gave the Maltese their Livelihood!
Salgister, it's no good trying to hide Labour's inherent violent streak. Sooner or later it comes to the surface - you Mintoffians always give yourself away in the end. No wonder you love Gaddafi.
Micheal Bonanno
@Knocker 3. Oqghod attent kif titkellem. Bhalma diga ndunajt dawn in-nies idawru l-kliem kif jaqbel lilhom. "Tibzghux, m'ahniex se ninsewkom malli ddur il-folja." Din taghti lok ghal mizinterpretazzjoni u jaghmlu festa biha." Mela jekk jghogbok oqghod attent. Naf xi trid tghid int, imma tal-PN hadd ma jghaddihom ghat-tghawwig tal-fatti u spinning and weaving.
Sur professur t'ghajni Antoine Vella, dak li qal il-capo tieghek jikkonferma kemm kien f'waqtu dak li qal Dr Joseph Muscat, cioe` li dan huwa l-hin li nimmontaw kampanja qawwija fuq it-turizmu. Dan ghandna naghmluh billi nghidu lill-Ewropej tan-Nord li hawnhekk m'hawnx inkwiet, ecc. Dan hu li ried jghid Dr Muscat imma nies bhalek, mohhhom biex jingannaw, issibhom lesti biex jghawgu kollox. Halluna, ja hafna ipokriti, ghajjurin ghall-Maltin bhalkom. Il-Libjani misshom jghallmukom, kif jaqbzu ghal xulxin. U bhalhom it-Tunizini u l-Egizzjani. Imma int u dik li mohhok fiha - li marret tisserdak ma' tal-Graffitti - u Loo ta' Bondi + dejjem mohhkom taraw kif iddawru kollox kontra l-Oppozizzjoni. Tibzghux, m'ahniex se ninsewkom malli ddur il-folja.
I don't think you will greet Muammar Gaddafi Mr.Lawrence Gonzi- you was expecting him in the coming weeks- cannot imagine to shake hands or hug a regime Leader like that- how can I speak of moralities and good conscious than eh????????????????? pinocchio ma dove vai? Pinocchio ma cosa fa?????????????
maria aquilina
It is more realistic to think about the post uprising effect. If a new system is set up in Libya it would probably be pro market. And given real tourism attractions in Libya, if successful we have another Tunisia - Egypt competitor. That is what is problematic, mr. prime minister.
But surely "we stand to gain" from the situation. isn't that what the genius said?
Jeff Cassar
Naqbel miegħek Maltipur2. Imma kompli rrispondieh bil-Malti mexxej li għandek. Tinkwetax hu jifhem ta.
Jeff Cassar
Anton, nibdew nagħtu kasek meta minflokk tikteb bl-Ingliż, tagħmel daqxejn ta' sforz u tuża l-Malti - il-lingwa t'ommok u t'ommi. Jaħasra kun daqxejn kburi bl-identita' tigħek! M'intiex qiegħed tipressjonana bid-"deeply offended" tigħek. Issa din tar-rispett: għandek mitt raġun li għandu jkun hemm ir-rispett - imma dan ir-rispett irid ikun Recipriku. Meta il-PN jikkundana l-attaki li jsiru fuq blogs ta' xi wħud imbagħad nistgħu nitkellmu fuq ir-rispett.
Anton Zammit isn't wenz how people are addressed in Maltese? And why pick on me when he has been called wenz by other people so many times? I haven't seen you criticizing them.
I am sure that when the statistics from the NSO are published February will show an drastic increase in arrivals and tourism as having increased. gonzi is of course preparing his excuse for the poor economic situation locally. We are use to these excuses. The joke is that gonzi's revelations are always revealed on Radio 101.
I am sure that when the statistics from the NSO are published February will show an drastic increase in arrivals and tourism as having increased. gonzi is of course preparing his excuse for the poor economic situation locally. We are use to these excuses. The joke is that gonzi's revelations are always revealed on Radio 101.
Pauline Moran
Wenz, issa ser twahhal fil hofra ekonomika li ghandna minhabba x'qed jigri fil Libya nahseb hux?...U isma, t-turizmu dan is sajf tajjeb hafna ser jkun ta', ma nafx ghalfejn qed titkellem hekk. Per ezempju, mil Afrika ta' Fuq ser jkollna nflus tajjeb hafna bid dghajjes! Lil 3 u 2 star hotels tista timlihom kollha bihom. U Anton...ismaghni sewwa habib...Il poplu tilef ir-rispett ghall dan il Priministru. Meta lilna tana zieda ta euro u huwa ha 600 dak kien rispett lejn il poplu?!! Meta qal li ser jivvota BIL QALB bix jgholli il kontijiet tad dawl u l-ilma dak kien rispett?! Meta ma jridx jaghtina id dritt civili taghna dak rispett?!.....ma nahsibx habib!! Mela Le ma fadalx rispett habib! Jiehu ghalih kemm irid ghax il poplu il li ha ghalih...u issa xeba!!!
To Mr. Maltipur 2 I find your referring to the Prime Minister of this nation as 'Wenz' deeply offensive. Just as I would never refer to the leader of the Opposition and possibly future Prime Minister as 'Zep'. PLease note that neither you or me would ever consider shouldering the responsibility of the Prime Minister's job. Accordingly a minimum amount of respect is absolutely in order.
People are being killed others are losing their life savings and our PM is worried about losing a few tourists. What a sham
Mur obsor Wenz. Trid tkun mort l-Università biex tkun taf dawn l-affarijiet.