Swedes using Malta as evac base, after playing down migration concerns

The Swedish government will be sending a military aircraft to the Luqa runway this evening at 6:15pm to conduct an evacuation of Swedish nationals from Libya.

The irony was not lost in diplomatic circles, a government source told MaltaToday – earlier last week on Thursday, Swedish minister of the interior Tobias Billstrom played down “exaggerated” claims by Malta and Italy that the southern EU states will face a humanitarian crisis of asylum seekers and Libyan refugees.

“Northern states have been removed from the reality of mixed flows and irregular migration. But Malta’s role as a logistical base in the Libyan evacuations highlights the need for more solidarity in EU circles,” the source said.

Billstrom said this week that Mediterranean countries were exaggerating and being alarmist about possibility of an influx of asylum seekers from Libya, in comments he gave to the media in Brussels at a European council meeting.

Calling Italy’s request for burden sharing as “an exaggeration”, Bilstrom said that last year his country received 32,000 asylum seekers. “We did not call upon anyone to share the burden with us,” he said in a direct snub at Italy’s request.

“Italy has only received 5000 immigrants from Tunisia at Lampedusa and we think that it can cope on its own with this situation,” he said.

Asked whether his country will help Malta and Italy in the case of a Libyan exodus, he said that this has not happened yet. “With regards to Libya we have not seen any biblical exodus yet so let’s not be so alarmist,” he said.

The Swedish plane is expected to be a C-130 Hercules.

Sorry to say, but indeed it seems "Il-Gahan Malti" will never learn. We shall know at the forthcoming elections. If the Gonz and his rickety party win again we'll have no other option but to lie down and cry. "Il-Gahan Malti" will have given us a definitive answer leaving no more room for hope or trust in his challenged IQ. This is being written with sadness, certainly without a grain of told-you-so savvy and all that. Il-Gahan Malti will then have no other guardians but the Gonz and that putrid, lurid Bidnija Witch who is hypocritical enough to sound favourable to the rebels in North Africa but conspicuously against the Maltese rebels of 1919! You can smell the bad smell coming from the Bidnija coven from miles around. Shoo!
The Swedes are doin what they think its their best interest; perhaps" il-Gahan Malti" can, for once, learn something from them???
Pauline Moran
Wenz iva jahasra hemm bzonnli tqum kontra dawn il pajjizi tal 'l-UNJONI' li ma jridux jghinuna. Mhux irqad raqda nobis. Ma jistax jkun li ahna naccettaw kollox minghand dawn it taparsi hibieb taghna ta L-ewropa! Jekk ma jurux solidarjeta maghna allura ahna ma nurx maghhom. M'hemmx fejn toqghod tilghab bil kliem...id diplomazija trid tkun reciproka jew allura m'hemmx loka ghax tigi biss laqa. Meta jigu bzonna dawn dejjem jippretendu li nghinuhom...allura taf x'ghandek taghmel. U toqghod twahhal f'hadd ghax jekk ma taghmilx hekk il poplu jkun jaf minu veru dghajjef!
@knocker3 I agree with you totally regarding Hitler and Sweden… but what do you expect from a country, calling itself “Neutral” (sic)!! then made the farce about Wikileaks' Julian Assange. Neutral my foot!!! Reminds me of Pontuis Pilate!! I do expect though a statement from Minister C.Mifsud Bonnici and as I wrote already on MaltaToday that the IMBECILE Swedish Minister Tobias Bilstrom should be declared A PERSONA NON GRATA!!! Btw just wrote on my status on website about it and used Malta Today’s links. Hope MT don't mind. http://www.myspace.com/tonyscott1951
By the way, this is how the Bidnija Witch referred to the news coverage and comments carried in Malta Today: "I knew that some female genital organ at Malta Today would trot out a set of lies, as indeed happened." She didn't have enough female grit to say whether she was referring to Raphael Vassallo or to Matthew Vella. At any rate, one of these gentlemen may want to remind her that the plural of "ghoxx" (the term she usually applies) is "ghoxux" not "ghoxxijiet" as she ventured in one of her more enlightened and edifying contributions to Maltese bilingualism. Well, to tell you the truth, ghOXXijiet fits her and her part-time journalist sister Cora more than the regular plural known to the experts up at the Tal-Qroqq Insitute of Linguistics as the "broken plural".
The way the Swedes and the Northern European countries will learn is not to fingerprint or photograph any illegal immigrants and help the illegal immigranst on their way to mainland Europe. Then they will not be able to send the illegal immigrants back to us. Let them learn thei lesson.
Have you forgotten that while Hitler was bombarding Malta in an attack that was worse than the Battle of Britain, Sweden was a neutral country, sitting on the fence watching her German neighbours strafe anybody who did not kowtow to the Axis? Old habits die hard.
Esteban Hernandez
nitama li dan li qed taghmel malta, l eu ma tinsihx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!