[WATCH] Facebook group set up in solidarity with discharged soldier in Pembroke gate viral vid
Godwin Schembri, known to friends as ‘il-King’, was reportedly discharged from the AFM after the mobile phone video in which he mocks a standalone gate went viral across Malta

A Facebook group has been set up in a show of solidarity for an Armed Forces of Malta soldier sacked for mocking the erection of a redundant metal gate to the Pembroke shooting ranges in a funny mobile phone video that went viral.
Godwin Schembri, known to friends as ‘il-King’, was reportedly discharged from the AFM after the mobile phone video in which he mocks the gate which had no boundary wall attached to it, went viral across Malta.
Warning: Strong language in video
Schembri, with the rank of Bombardier, was driving an army jeep with fellow soldiers on board as he drove out of the shooting ranges and around the gate straight onto the road, pointing out how the army routinely refused soldiers clothing supplies but had spent thousands on a redunant gate.
The Facebook group ‘Solidarity with Godwin Schembri’ insisted that the mobile phone video was a joke between a group of soldiers, that was “irresponsibly” shared across social media, spreading like wildfire in just a few hours.
A spokesperson for the AFM earlier in the week told MaltaToday that the soldier in question will appear before the AFM commander with a decision to be taken on the basis of the provisions of the Armed Forces Act. It is unclear whether any action has been taken against other colleagues involved in the filming of the video.
In the video Schembri exaggeratedly mocks the standalone gate “worth €16,000” when soldiers are told there is never enough money for more necessary items such as military clothing.
The Facebook page admins said Schembri’s explicit language may have failed the military standard expected of him, “however the fact that Mr Schembri was discharged from his job was an exaggerated punishment. His intention was just to make a short video to entertain his work colleagues during the mundane routine.”
The page admins said anybody “with a little military knowledge maybe aware of the way that soldiers talk between them... no one should be surprised of Schembri’s use of explicit language.”
They pointed out that similar talk is encountered at football matches or during festa celebrations. “He was making as a joke between a group of friends would end up being watched by nearly everyone in Malta.”
Two days after the video went viral across WhatsApp, a wall was erected to extend the boundary. “Was he discharged for telling the plain truth that offended the authorities?” the Facebook group asked.