MOVE to officially join pro-divorce movement IVA

University progressive students group MOVE reiterated its position in favour of the introduction of divorce in Malta, and has called  on other student groups in favour of the divorce bill to follow suit.

The group said it has been long working and discussing the introduction of the divorce law in Malta and has now officially joined the pro-divorce movement IVA. The group said it has always been in favour of the law as proposed by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Labour MP Evarist Bartolo.

MOVE said the law safeguards the interests of the children and it gives a chance for those whose marriage has ended to start a new life. “This law gives the opportunity for a new life to those who want it,” the group said, adding the bill calls for divorce in a responsible manner.

MOVE explained it has decided to officially join the IVA movement to support the divorce bill at  University level. It also called on other student groups to join MOVE and the pro-divorce movement.

“Together we can work in favour of the responsible introduction of divorce also at the University Campus,” the group said.

Glad to see that students are doing the right thing. Having said that I am continually surprised to see that Maltese students do not seem to have an interest in the World around them.Everywhere the young are rising and having their say,whilst in Malta they seem to be content with the mediocrity that surrounds them. On to the streets,be the change you should want to be.