Political party fundraisers collect €1.5 million
The Labour Party collects €803,174 in donations while the Nationalist Party collects €670,632

The two major political parties have opened the telethon fund raising season collecting almost €1.5 million between them on Sunday.
The Labour Party collected €803,174 during a fund-raising telethon broadcast live on ONE TV. Similarly, the Nationalist Party collected €670,632 in a telethon broadcast on NET TV.

The money raised will go to finance the parties’ operations but will also provide a financial launch pad for next year’s European Parliament and local council elections.
Both political parties collected more than they did in last year’s December telethons.
In December 2017, the PL collected €611,497 and the PN €620,319.
The party leaders, Joseph Muscat and Adrian Delia thanked supporters for their dontaions.