Jesuit Refugee Service calls for assistance of Eritrean asylum seekers in Libya

Some 2,000 Eritrean asylum seekers stranded in Libya have made a desperate appeal for help to the Catholic Church in Tripoli.

Bishop Giovanni Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli, has urged the international community to rescue them by providing a way out of Libya to safety, the Jesuite Refugee Service (Malta) said.

As tension escalates in Libya and states rush to evacuate their nationals, sub-Saharan African asylum seekers are all but forgotten, JRS director Fr Joseph Cassar said.

“JRS Malta joins its voice to that of the Church in Libya and urges the international community not to forget these asylum seekers who do not have anyone to protect them, least of all their country of origin, which they fled in fear of their life.

“Unable to obtain the protection of their government, asylum seekers are stuck in Libya, where they are extremely vulnerable to attacks,” Cassar said. “In the past days we have heard reports of innocent sub-Saharan Africans being beaten, stabbed and even killed, as they are wrongly suspected of being mercenaries hired by Gaddafi to kill the Libyan people.”

JRS Malta has appealed to EU Member States, including Malta, and the rest of the international community to take immediate and concrete action to provide protection to this very vulnerable population by providing resettlement opportunities for them.

“While commending Malta’s immediate and effective response to the crisis by facilitating the evacuation of thousands of foreign nationals seeking to leave Libya, we also call upon the Government of Malta to undertake urgent measures, as an extraordinary humanitarian gesture, to offer safe transit to asylum seekers who need to leave Libya and reach a place of refuge.

“It is clear that urgent, multi-lateral action is needed, as Malta cannot do this alone,” Cassar said.

Tal Hamrija totally agree with you. They can go and help them there. They can cross overland to Ethiopia without any problems.
Michael Gauci
Round up the JRS and send them all to Libya.
"safe transit" to which countries? In the last few days Malta has served as a transit point for thousands of evacuees from Libya, that is, people going from Libya to some other country and just passing through Malta. Before the Maltese authorities give permission to any Eritreans to enter Malta they must know when, how and to which other country they will be going. Otherwise Malta will be stuck with them and the JRS will not be of any help with accommodation. JRS has overdone it in the past years and everything they say has to be subjected to systematic doubt.