Journalists, bloggers told to ‘attack’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando does not exclude Richard Cachia Caruana behind the orders.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Nationalist backbencher MP and a dissenting voice within his party, today admitted in court that he had been informed by blogger and publicist Daphne Caruana Galizia and other writers that they had been told to ‘attack’  him in the wake of the Mistra controversy. 

He is one of many witnesses summoned by Saviour Balzan, managing editor of MaltaToday, who is facing libel proceedings by Malta’s permanent representative to the European Union, Richard Cachia Caruana. In an opinion column, published in 2009, Balzan had commented that Cachia Caruana was behind the invective and hate attacks on those who stand in his way, or that of government policy.

In 2008 Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had been embroiled in allegations that he had pressured MEPA to issue a permit for a discotheque on land belonging to him on Mistra. 

Pullicino Orlando said in court that at the time, he was told by Mrs Caruana Galizia that she had been told to attack him in the Mistra saga. He said that he also heard of this from other journalists including Vanessa Macdonald. When asked who the other journalists were he said he couldn't remember. When asked if the person was Richard Cachia Caruana, he answered rather evasively that he could not exclude this. But he did not confirm.

Richard Cachia Caruana is today a cabinet member and also serves as Malta’s permanent representative in Brussels. 

When questioned about Caruana Galizia’s writings about him, Pullicino Orlando said that the blogger had attacked him for his stand on the proposed development at St John’s Co Cathedral.  

Pullicino Orlando’s objection to the project was reportedly fuelled by his disagreements with Richard Cachia Caruana, whom he privately blames for the backlash after the 2008 election in the Mistra affair.

Cachia Caruana sat on the Cathedral’s foundation’s committee and was passionately in favour of the extension.  Another opponent of the extension, Astrid Vella of Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar, was also personally attacked on Caruana Galizia’s blog. 

When asked about other dissenting voices in the PN, who were also the target of attacks, Pullicino Orlando insisted that they were not ‘dissidents’ but politicians doing their work. When asked to mention who were the so called ‘dissidents’ he mentioned Robert Arrigo, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and Jean Pierre Farrugia: all Nationalist MPs who were ‘attacked’ on the same blog.

Cardinal Mazarin-( no comparison with the local fake)-is portrayed by Alexandre Dumas in his novel Twenty Years After" as a manipilator of parochial politics- and as a power hungry parassite, suspicious and greedy. So much for the open, liberal, democaratic, popular party of the masses as the local blogger depicts the PN! The Nationalists inner circle is run by the same 'royal' group of families that control real power; Mifsud Bonnici, Borg Olivier, Gonzi, Demarco, Abela,Fenech Adami- just like Russian dolls- senior members give birth to younger ones, and family legacy moves on! Meditate gent meditate! JPO-you don't stand a chance; you don't belong!
Malta and Gozo should hold Joseph Muscat to his word that if elected Prime Minister of Malta and Gozo, he will leave no stone unturned to investigate these disgusting people and their actions over the years they were free to operate with the blessings of the Maltese government and the immunity of the Judicial system that is in cahoots. Richard Cachia Caruana as everyone knows who are in the same diplomatic circles is the true dictator of Malta who is supported by the two true bases of power on this island. The Church & the Judiciary. Eddie Fenech Adami & Lawrence Gonzi and their cabinets are simple pawns on his chessboard. Daphne Caruana Galizia is the main bitch in his kennel where the stench alone can kill and goofy looking Cordina is the main guard dog at Castille. The rest of his clan are simple dogs who sniff chances to earn government contracts that operate above the law and are never audited. RCC chooses to operate from Brussels so that his army remains on the front while he so cowardly hides in Dar Malta firing instructions to that vicious bitch or his goofy dog what he wants done. So for the last 25 years they have manipulated the balance of power because they cannot afford to loose and be discovered of illegal maneuvers against the state. One would hope that the day will come when these people are put in jail for the millions of euros that are unaccounted for. Some of their actions would make Muammar Al Ghaddafi & Sadam Al Hussien as examplanary citizens.
Pauline Moran jigsaw puzzle tad dnubiet kollha li ghamiltu kemm ilkhom fil gvern daqt tinghaqad! Just a few pieces left to jot in! Il hsara li ghamlilkom il Kardinal mhuiex ser tithassar bil gomma taghkom...izda bil lapes tan nies waqt l-elezzjoni generali!!! Kompli affghu Wenz kif dejjem ghamiltu!!
Michael Gauci
Daphne not only has enemies,she is intensely disliked by her friends who live in fear of becoming the next victim of her vitriol.
We didn't need JPO to tell us that - by now everyone has realised that people like Daphne Caruana Galizia write what the PN (through RCC) tells them to write.
RCC? The pharmacist will gives you the medicine from what he have! How about RCC will tell the public the truth, about his attempt of murder? what was the motive behind it? who was the mastermind? The truth was never told and i doubt if it will be ever known.
Bitchy and vicious politics at their best!
I believe him too in fact i doubt anyone unless connected would not believe him ..It is the unspoken common knowledge in Malta .
" PN Prostitute "