Malta among 164 nations that have backed UN compact on migration
A global compact on migration adopted in Morocco by 164 countries is not legally binding but a first in international cooperation on the phenomenon

Malta has adopted the UN-sponsored global compact on migration, which attempts to foster international cooperation in dealing with the phenomenon.
The agreement adopted in Marrakech, Morocco, is called the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and is the first intergovernmental negotiated agreement.
The compact was under the spotlight after several countries including the US and some European countries refused to sign up, claiming it was an attempt to undermine national sovereignty.
However, Foreign Minister Carmelo Abela said the compact was not legally binding and a core guiding principle of the final text explicitly affirms the sovereign right of states to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction in accordance with international law.
“One cannot underestimate the value of a global agreement on the subject. As a frontline state, Malta has experienced first-hand the benefits of a regional approach towards migration, as opposed to a unilateral one. We are confident that a global approach, to further assist us in managing migration in a safe and orderly way, is an important step in the right direction”, Abela said.