Annual inflation slows down to 1.4% in November
Eurostat figures show that inflation in Malta was below the EU and Eurozone average in November

Annual inflation rate in Malta stood at 1.4% in November, down from 2.1% in October, according to Eurostat.
Inflation measured according to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices released today shows that Malta’s rate is lower than the euro area and EU average.
The annual inflation rate had inched up to 2.5% in September but started moderating after that.
The November rate for the Eurozone stood at 1.9%, down from 2.2% in October. The inflation rate for the EU was 2% in November, down from 2.2% in October.
The lowest annual rates were registered in Denmark (0.7%), Ireland (0.8%) and Portugal (0.9%). The highest annual rates were recorded in Estonia, Hungary and Romania (all 3.2%). Compared with October 2018, annual inflation fell in 25 member states, remained stable in one and rose in one.