'Typing error' by Maltese agent causes Malta embarrassment over arms exports to Libya

A typing error in documentation submitted by a local shipping agent in the name of Italian arms manufacturer 'Beretta' led to a 'storm in a teacup' on weapons supply from Italy to Libya.

A ‘typing error’ in documentation submitted to the government by a Maltese shipping agent of the vessel transporting the cargo of an Italian arms manufacturing firm, has led to Malta being erroneously put into the spotlight by a European report that alleged €80 million - rather than €8 million - worth of weapons transited through Malta from Italy to Libya in 2009.

Director of Information Martin Bugelli claimed that contrary to what many may have assumed, Malta had only issued a transit export licence to weapons firm Beretta, and the arms were never physically in Malta.

In a letter to the The Times yesterday, Italian ambassador Luigi Marras questioned government’s explanation and said that Italy had only exported €8 million worth of small arms to Libya in November 2009.

Bugelli claimed that company’s shipping agent, WJ Parnis England, has formally admitted it had made a “typing error on the documentation submitted to the Maltese government.”

In an official letter, which the government received from the agents earlier today and which it made public, the company admitted that an “extra 0” had been inadvertently typed in.

MaltaToday is informed that shortly after knowing of the Italian ambassadors official reply, an investigation was launched and the local agents found the mistake.

A government spokesman argued that the whole issue was a “storm in a teacup.”

Is this breaking news? Didn't this happen two years ago? If so, what's the point of this article?
@ Skocciz ... couldn't agree with you more! How come wasn't this noticed beforehand! After all this is a shipment of sensitive goods even in normal times!
So proud to be Maltese ....(Not) !!!!
Joseph Sant
@ Knocker3 - This government may be decadent and arrogant but the real problem is that the Maltese people are comatose! If this government is getting away with murder it is because we are allowing it to do so. Unless and until we are able to place our finger on the reason why we are so complacent and indifferent as a people this country will remain stagnant.
How very convenient............. a typing error. Give us a break.
maybe the error was the adding of another 0 ? or maybe the error was another 0 missing? scratch my back and i scratch yours. 1 million and 100 million, still the infamous , immorality of our present goverment was done- THE WEAPONS OF KILLINGS WERE SOLD! that is the point - punto a basta! this cannot be denied- the facts that the weapons of killings humans were sold by the help of the maltese goverment. This is a fact known by all the world now- how can people remain so blind? why many maltese people remain numb? passive? maybe because our history tells us- that we were a country who was alwasy occupied by the foreigners- they made Malta as their base -like servants to them- but why we are in 2011 , and still is going to kep going on like this? I think some more years have to pass- before the new generation will take over. I am sure of this 100%
Skocciz, aren't you yet aware that anything this Government and its cronies are doing is done in a slipshod way in the knowledge that they can get away with murder. Another sign of the sheer decadence of this Government and the utter arrogance colouring its dealings. For the same reason the Bidnija Witch feels she can lambaste anybody so long as she doesn't touch the inner core and their friends of friends. Have you ever heard her berate Simon Busuttil's wife for abandoning him on catching him with a male friend? If you're expecting her to carry such a report, you might as well start crying for the moon. Go on, eat your haggis and let this Government wallow in its excrements. We'll soon reach for the necessary toilet paper and flush it down history's loo.
Entries of such a delicate nature should be double checked both at Customs and at the NSO so that petty mistakes like these do not lend us in such embarassing situations. Does this need a lot of doing?
why should we be embarrassed? Its the countries who sold weapons to Libya that should be embarrassed and these are most of our EU so called partners.