Housing Authority not concluding housing sales, Labour MP

Housing Authority prices for residences cannot be afforded by low-income families, MP says.

Labour MP Roderick Galdes said sales of Housing Authority properties during the year had been so low that not even properties advertised twice in the last five years were sold.

“From information Labour has, many of the applicants allocated a house refused to proceed with the purchase. The response from all applicants for a house has been poor. The prices the Housing Authority is asking for compete with those in the private sector, even when the HA claims they are well subsidized and cheap,” Galdes said.

The MPadded that the authority had a waiting list of 2,000 low-income families who needed low-rent apartments. “At the rate the Housing Authority apportioned such apartments, these families will have to wait 20 years for alternative accommodation.”

Galdes said housing policies were not being given the attention they deserve. “We cannot have a situation where people pay for the construction of social housing that has no market available.”

Pauline Moran
Dik il Qalb Socjali li ghandkhom inthom in Nazzjonalisti Wenz!!! Inthom ipokriti! Mhux veru thobbu n-nies! Thobbu lil l-ispekulatur u lil dawk li jitmawlkom il commision! L-anqas saqaf fuq rasu ma triduh ikollu liz zghir ghax inthom il Partit tal Kattivi u qatt ma hmiltuhom liz zghir! U mbghad bl-ipokrezija kollha tmorru fl-ewwel bank tal knisja biex jarakhom kulhadd u jghid "Ara kemm huma tajbin u qaddisin dawn in nies". Ja qatta oqbra mbajda!!! Kemm tifilhu tkunu kattivi u bla qalb!! Isthu u ibzu min Alla jekk tafu kif! Ara lil Knisja, dik iva nagevolawa ghax dik bezghat ghalina fis sittinijiet kontra l-Laburisti!!...Hux vera Wenz!!! Ja Ipokriti!U NIES KATTIVI!!