Increase in gainfully occupied of 1,905 persons in October 2010
Statistics released by the National Statistics office (NSO) indicate an increase of 1,905 persons employed on a full-time basis in October 2010 over the corresponding month in 2009. There was an increase of 3,146 persons working in respect of the previous year.
In October 2010 the number of persons working on a full-time basis stood at 146,590, whereas the registered unemployed amounted to 6,696. In the twelve months to October 2010, the labour supply increased by 1,268 persons.
Between October 2009 and October 2010, the number of persons employed on a full-time basis within the private sector went up by 2,272, or 2.2 per cent, while those working within the public sector decreased by 367, or 0.9 per cent.
Males comprised 66.9 per cent of the total full-time employed population. A majority of these, 16.1 per cent, were engaged in manufacturing, followed by an additional 15.3 per cent employed in wholesale and retail trade. During the period under review, the total number women employed on a full-time basis stood at 48,461. Just over 17 per cent were engaged in education-related activities, while 14.8 per cent were working in wholesale and retail trade.
Self-employed persons were mainly engaged in wholesale and retail trade, repairs of motor vehicles and personal and household goods (29.3 per cent), while a significant proportion were employed in construction (14.6 per cent). On the other hand, employees were more likely to be engaged in manufacturing-related activities.
Part-time employment increased by 6.5 per cent when compared to 2009 levels, and numbered 51,877 for the period under review. 22,558 persons held a part-time job in addition to their full-time job whereas a further 29,319 persons had a part-time job as their main occupation.