[WATCH] Malta's next president: The people have their say
MaltaToday asked people in Valletta who they thought should replace President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca in April

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca's presidency will come to an end in April, and while there have been a few rumours on possible successors, no official announcement has yet been made in this regard.
Amongst those touted for the role are Education Minister Evarist Bartolo and former Labour foreign minister George Vella.
Amid mounting speculation on who will be chosen, Opposition leader Adrian Delia yesterday challenged the Prime Minister to appoint a Nationalist president.
MaltaToday went to Valletta to ask people who they thought will be Malta's next president, with the underlying sentiment amongst those we spoke to appearing to be that they weren't sure who they favoured for the role, but what mattered was that whoever was picked did their duty.
While some said they agreed that the person selected should be from the opposing camp, people were generally reluctant to put forward a name, and Vella was the only person mentioned specifically.