Around 3,250 non-fatal accidents at work reported in 2018
The total number of fatal accidents at work numbered four in 2018

The number of non-fatal accidents in the workplace amounts to 3,252 in 2018. That's 51 more accidents than in 2017.
The majority of accidents, 17.6%, occurred in the manufacturing sector, follow by 14.6% of accidents being reported from the construction sector.
A significant number of accidents, 454, occured in the transport and storage sector.
Almost half of the injuries at work affected the upper extremities of the body, such as the fingers and hands. Wounds and superificial injuries, dislocations, sprains and strains were the most common types of injuries in 2018.
There were four fatal accidents in 2018, with three of them occurring between July and December. There were no fatalities at work in the corresponding period in 2017.
A lot more males were victims of non-fatal accidents than females with 2,606 reported injured at work being men and 646 being women.
The largest share of accidents at work during the reference period involved persons working in elementary occupations followed by craft and related trades workers.
The majority of inviduals in non-fatal accidents at work belonged to the median age group, between 35 and 44 years of age, and the majority, 967 from the 3,252 came from the Southern Harbour district.