PM 'avoids questions' on alleged notary for Libya gas deal

Labour organ Kullhadd says Lawrence Gonzi does not want to name the Maltese notary "mentioned in discussions" with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Labour organ KullHadd reports Sunday that during Gonzi’s last meeting with Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi, the name of a Maltese notary cropped up in discussions between the two leaders.

The report says the notary has "good connections within the Nationalist Party" and that his name was dropped in talks between the two leaders on the transport of gas between Libya and Europe.

The paper reports that questions by Labour MP Owen Bonnici to the Prime Minister, asking as to what was said during the Libyan trip,  Gonzi replied that he had "nothing else to add to what I have already said publicly.”

Kullhadd gave no indications as who the notary in question is, and the connection with the transport of fuel to Europe.

The business and political connections with Libya during these last 20 years grew to astronomical heights....we are one of the bridges joining Libya with Europe and the EU and Maltese have invested strongly there subject ALWAYS to who you know.....................????????????? Nisperaw li l-Banek Maltin ma jitezzux bhal ma gara dan l-ahhar flis-Stati Uniti
The Labour Party had political business connections some twenty years ago, but it is the PN who has orbited these political connections to new highs, and the major PN business presently operating in Malta are now dancing with MR Gaddafi; they've been caught with their pants down, so the blogger from Bidnija,and the Bondi+Peppi tandem, are trying to shift the attention on PL. Ordinary people willl be shocked by how many "of the holier than thou brigade" PN moralist have business interests running into millions of euros, are operating in Libya because of, and solely due, to their PN political affiliations! Reality is stranger than the fiction Bondi and Peppi are trying to feed us.
John Mifsud
Was it by any chance the same notary who has taken over researches at the Public Registry?
Mela zokk Wenz ta'xejn mort il-Libya inti, ara tghidilniex li tal-PL kienu hbieb hobza u sikkina ma Gaddaffi. U biex ma trid tghid xejn izjed x'iddiskutejt ma siehbek Gaddafi jaqaw xi sigriet bhala ta' Fatma dan jew? Izjed nahseb illi qed tibza li jekk tal-PL ikunu jafu preciz x'intqal inti huma se jhamrulek wiccek. Vera li inti ma tiddejjaqx jekk tihmar ftit imma llum Gaddafi m'ghadux li kien, illum il-partit tieghek qed itanbar li kien habib kbir ta' Mintof u ta' Karmenu u tal-Partit Laburista wkoll pero' ghal min ma jafx kien hemm kbarat minn tal-PN li kienu marru jiltaqghu mieghu tatht it-tinda u jiddiskuti forsi xi zejt? Imma dik storja ohra forsi ghad titla f'wicc l-ilma xi darba. U kemm kont qed tiehu gost x'hin kien qed itaptaplek fuq spallejk Wenz, x'kien qed jghidlek dak il-hin, li kollox all right, li l-GHASAFAR TAC-COMB kien se jixti l-kumpanija hu?????? Sahha Wenz tinsiex li z-zejt ghad irid jitla f'wicc l-ilma. bongu.
Obviously he was some blue eyed boy who had deal gone through would have become rich overnight! While we are on the subject of the PM's visit to Libya, it is wonders of wonders how the PM made another U-turn in less than a fortnight. First he went to lick Gaddafi and then 2 weeks later he denounced him in public. Now we will have to wait and see what happens to our relationship with Libya if Gaddafi wins the upper hand.