Martin Debono called in to Police HQ

Sliema Labour councillor Martin Debono has been called in once again to the Police headquarters for further questioning.

Two months ago, Debono was arrested with other Sliema and St Julian's councillors, among them former Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech. During this arrest, Debono had said he was humiliated by police when he was ordered to strip naked at the Floriana headquarters.

Debono had been questioned over the alleged misuse of a laptop computer belonging to the council.

Debono has always insisted that he had done nothing wrong. “I told the officers this was a frame-up intended to besmirch my good name,” Debono had said.

Later in the day, it was confirmed that the police simply wished to ask Martin Debono a few questions about the hard disk of his laptop.

He was released after 30 minutes.

Was the hard disk found in his arse h.o.l.e. again? This is politcal bullying by the 'holier than thou' PN-led State apparatus. My frail grand father was arrested in the middle of the night at Zurrieq, when a large poster written in latin compared Michael Gonzi- the uncle of the present Prime Minister- to Nero! My grand father could hardly write his name, let alone write in latin- and yet, he was arrested: guilty of being a Labour supporter!
Luke Camilleri
I would have thought he'd been called over to be given an apology on behalf of the over-zealous Police Officers who get their kicks from STRIP searching. Police Commissioner Please Note !
Probably the police stripped naked that the person arrested for interrogation because they wanted to be more than 100% sure that he did not have an extended mouse device hidden beneath his underpants...ha..ha.
Maybe they wanted to investigate if he abused the laptop?
If this happened under a Labour Government and to a Nat councillor then all hell would have broken loose. But since Martin is a baby-eating-communist then it is buisness as usual.
Ironic is it not misuse of a laptop but DCG gets perks for her misuse of her laptop every day of the week by writing the bullshit she writes on her blog !.
Paul Sammut
The police are investigating (interrogating] the misuse of a laptop computer. If they do not have anything better to do why don't they investigate the misuse of public funds? What waste of taxpayer's money. What banality. Only in Malta.
Was he made to strip naked this time round?