AD calls for more effective measures for the benefit of women

Alternattiva Demokratika calls for more concrete measures which protect the rights of women and which give them real equal opportunities.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Green Party highlighted that presence of Maltese women in parliament, public life and high positions in  organisations is still low.

Angele Deguara, AD spokesperson for Social Affairs said that even though significant progress has been made, there is still much more to be done especially with regards to measures which facilitate an effective work-life balance.

“There are still many women who are still in practice being denied real opportunities to realise their potential, largely due to the fact that they are still mainly responsible for childcare,” she said. “Our existing social policy has still not taken this issue seriously enough”.   

AD urged government to step up its investment in social protection structures so that more women, especially those who are victims of abuse, domestic violence, poverty and homelessness as well as other vulnerable women, would be given the necessary protection and help in the most effective way.

AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio said both genders should have equal rights and responsibilities. “In order to facilitate women’s access to employment, civil society, politics and other public spheres, men should be more involved in caring roles such as the upbringing of children,” he said.