EU survey finds higher-than-average life satisfaction among Maltese
87% of Maltese respondents indicate that the current situation is either very good or rather good, the highest positive opinion about one's own country among the 28 Member States where the EU average is 50%
A Eurobarometer survey published today has indicated that Maltese respondents are very positive regarding their personal and economic situations. 96% of respondents in Malta stated that they are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the life they lead - thirteen percentage points higher than the average for the whole of the EU. This places Malta at the same level as Denmark, Luxembourg and Sweden, and just 1% lower than Ireland. Respondents in Malta are also optimistic about their future.
The report also researched the respondents' perceptions on their own country and their expectations for the coming 12 months. 87% of Maltese respondents indicate that the current situation is either very good or rather good, the highest positive opinion about one's own country among the 28 Member States where the EU average is 50%. When asked about the main issues facing Malta at the moment 50% of Maltese respondents mentioned migration, followed by housing (29%), environment, climate and energy issues (28%), crime (19%), and rising prices and inflation (19%).
Respondents were also asked to give their perceptions about the EU. The majority of Maltese respondents, 61%, identified migration as a challenge not only for Malta but also for the EU. Other issues that are currently challenging the European Union are terrorism (27%), environment (11%), the public finances of member states (11%), and crime (10%).
Overall 35% of respondents in Malta stated that things in the EU are generally going in the right direction while 14% said that they were going in the wrong direction. In contrast, respondents across the EU are not as favourable about the EU as they are in Malta, as 29% stated that things were going in the right direction while 51% stated that they were going in the wrong direction. In terms of expectations, 63% of respondents in Malta are very optimistic or fairly optimistic about the future of the EU, compared to 58% across the 28 member states. For 43% of Maltese respondents, the EU conjures up a very positive or fairly positive image, the same level as in the whole of the EU.
The national report outlines the main findings of Wave 90 of the Standard Eurobarometer. Fieldwork was conducted between the 8th and 22nd November 2018. A total of 503 face–to–face interviews were conducted with respondents residing in Malta and aged 15 years and over.