Solidarity with women fighting for freedom – PL

On commemorating the centenary of the International Women’s Day (IWD), the Labour Party said the suffering of women in civil war hit zones should be kept as a priority.

Recalling the current uprising in countries led by dictatorship, Opposition spokesperson on Equality Helena Dalli said the IWD should serve as a day to increase pressure on dictatorial regimes to stop the atrocities oppressing civilians.

“We should exploit this day where the international media will be focusing on women’s achievements to show solidarity with all women who are fighting against the tyranny of their country,” Dalli said.

“All these women are asking is for themselves and their families to live in peace with the human and civil rights that each person is entitled to.”

Dalli said it is outrageous that autocratic governments answer back to a call from its citizens for freedom by shedding blood.

“In war, women are being used as arms. They are abused and raped,” she said, adding that international institutions condemn such acts as war crimes and punishment is given according to the international law.

“In light of what’s happening in the Middle East, it is appropriate to take advantage of the IWD to show solidarity with those who are suffering,” Dalli concluded.