[WATCH] Graffitti versus the ministers: ‘You have run riot with this country’
Moviment Graffitti marched, armed with drums and a letter they delivered out loud outside the Transport Ministry demanding action on the promised fuel stations policy revision

Activists from Moviment Graffitti marched to the sound of drums with a letter in hand which they delivered out loud outside the Transport Ministry building in Floriana.
The NGO had camped outside the Planning Authority building the previous night.
“Future generations will hold the transport and infrastructure minister responsible,” Moviment Graffitti’s Andre Callus told three ministers.
The group marched to the ministry where Environment Minister Jose Herrera and Transport Minister Ian Borg welcomed the procession, together with parliamentary secretary Chris Agius.

Borg, under whom the Planning Authority falls, invited the group inside, but the group rejected the offer and decided to hold a discussion outside the building.
“We started a revision of policy immediately, and it needs to pass through the channels. I sent the objectives to the executive Council made of PA members and ERA members,” Borg said in his defence. He added that they would be the politicians who removed this policy and that the process started and is at an advanced stage. A revised policy will be published for public consultation in April, the minister said.
“A year and seven months to start the process?” Callus interjected, accusing the ministers of deliberately delaying the review process so that the PA could keep processing applications for mega fuel stations under the controversial policy.
But the Environment and Resource Authority’s review of the policy was defeated in the PA’s Executive Council, the all-powerful body devised to have the final say on policy and zoning.
Callus said that this was even more worrying that the PA’s executive council had rejected the points of the ERA, leaving the ministers with a parting shot: “You have run riot with this country, and you will have our future generations to answer to.”