[WATCH] Police order closure of Hal Far waste facility
It is understood that the police are searching for the murder weapon used by a man who killed his mother and sister last week

The Hal Far civic amenity site is closed to the public after the police ordered Wasteserv to shut down operations at the facility.
No official statement has so far been released but sources have suggested that the closure may be linked to ongoing police investigations into last week's double murder.
Sources said the police may be looking for the murder weapon, which has so far not been located.
The police order to close down the civic amenity site was given last night, a few hours after a man, Joseph Bonnici, was charged with the murder of his mother and sister. Bonnici was accused of killing them at the family home in Għaxaq and than hiding their bodies in a field in the outskirts of the village. He pleaded not guilty.