Blankets, socks, shoes and supplies delivered to stranded migrant rescue ship
The rescue ship Alan Kurdi has received relief supplies from Malta-based NGO MOAS as it remains stranded in international waters with 64 migrants on board

Relief supplies were delivered to the rescue ship Alan Kurdi that remains stranded in international waters with 64 migrants on board.
The supplies were delivered by MOAS, a Malta-based NGO, on Tuesday afternoon. “Our aim is to serve communities in crisis, such as those on board the Alan Kurdi ship by providing immediate aid and assistance. We are an apolitical organisation motivated only to help those in need," MOAS founder Regina Catrambone said.
The Alan Kurdi received supplies that included warm blankets, underwear, warm socks and shoes for the children. MOAS said it will be providing further aid and supplies.
The Alan Kurdi rescued the people off Libya but Malta and Italy have refused to offer a port of safety to disembark the migrants. The rescued people have been on the ship for more than seven days.
Sea-Eye, the NGO that operates the vessel, has been calling on European countries to offer a safe haven to the migrants.
Sea-Eye chairman Gorden Isler said Malta and Italy have repeatedly referred the ship to Libya’s jurisdiction. “This is the same country whose capital has been surrounded by military troops for days. There is heavy fighting going on," Isler said.
He thanked MOAS for donating the supplies, insisting it was more than a gesture of solidarity.
“It is exactly what we Europeans want. Real solidarity and determined, humanitarian action," Isler said.