Video | Malta says no to Gaddafi request for help, mediation with EU on Libya crisis

The Maltese government has refused a request reportedly made by Col. Gaddafi for a possible mediation both with the European Union and the rebels in Libya.


The announcement was made by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at the end of a meeting with European Commission President Jose Manoel Durrao Barroso in Brussels.

The meeting was held hours before EU heads of government are to meet to discuss formalising tougher sanctions on Gaddafi and a possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians from air incursions by the Libyan air force.

Addressing the media shortly after he ended his meeting with Barroso, Prime Minister Gonzi said that Malta has refused a request by the Libyan government for help and added that the request was specifically made for the island to intervene with the EU ahead of the summit.

He revealed that after yesterday's unscheduled visit by Gaddafi envoy, Mohammed Taher Siyala, he received a phone call from Libyan Prime Minister Mahmudi Bagdadi who reiterated the request for help with the EU.

Fellus ta' Gahan ... "The Times" have filtered my comment as well.... Dak li ma jaqblux mieghu... ma johorguhx !!
Jaqaw ghax kien issuggeriha KMB? Imissu hataf lopportunita u konna nkunu veru strument tal paci.
Pauline Moran
@AntoineVella Ittolerajtek bizejjed ja loki mimli vixri tad dinozawri! 'As a human shield' poggi lil zijtek u l-Wenzu halli joqghodu jizfnu l-ahhar 'Waltz' flimkien. Tidher li int l-istess pezza ta' Jane Ayre ghax bhala ahdar, insensittiv u njorant!!!! Mur saqsi lil Wenzu x'ser jigri min Malta issa jekk jirbah Gaddafi??? Saqajh wara l-warrani jigi jaqbez ghalina Barroso!!!! U morru ja qabda laqin!!!! Ergajtu bihhejtuha lil Malta miskhom tisthu!!!
@Antoine Vella Crumbling like Air Malta and Enemalta - thanks to 25 years of the PN in power!
@antoin vella "flimsy and crumbly" you say , well why not put your money where your mouth is and try us yourself, then we'll know who is flimsy and crumbly. As a human shield you can put all 35 gonziPN MPs then Gadaffi could save us the expense of a general election. antoin you have a rather big mouth don't you.
Tajba din sur Vella !!! Qed tfakkarni meta 1986 pruvajtu taghmlu mass meeting iz-Zejtun.Jekk mhiniex sejjer zball kontu xi 30 elf timmarcjaw biex tidhlu taghmlu mass meeting hemm imma 4 minn nies ma hallewkhomx !!! Staqsihom lil dawk li gew xkupati l-barra jekk dawk l-4 Laburisti kienux Flimsy u crumbly !!!!!!!!!!!
Dr Gonzi is presently riding of the crest of the wave. Just in time for him when his popularity was at its lowest ebb. Doesn't lose one single occasion to make a press conference or pose for a photograph with his plastic smile of his to frame and put on the mantelpiece.
If Malta is attacked by Gaddafi we'll never be able to use Labourites as human shields: too flimsy and crumbly.
Jekk minix sejjer zball, l-Isqof Gonzi kien kontra l-integration ghaliex qal li jekk ninghaqdu ma' l-Inglizi jidhol id-divorzju...imma umbaghad accetta illi r-regina taghmlu "Sir". Jekk dan il-fatt hu minnu, x'tistenna minn neputi?
Antoine Vella chickens do not hop in circles when they are frightened , which fairy tale book have you been reading sweety ?
Gonzi was doing the right thing saying everything and saying nothing; he was save gurading our interests. Now very obviously, France, Britain and Germany want us to change course. We have to do what they want! That is why Gonzi changes course; we are once again a colony! To those bravi, who think that LIBYA is an easy way out and wan't touch us be carefull! Gaddafi, everyone agrees, is mad and unstable, but precisely because He is unstable we have to be very careful, because we are in the middle of the frey a few miles from where a civil war is being waged! Tourist have already cancelled their holidays here, so have the English learning students who are mostly young and therefore their parents wan't send them to Malta. Malta is too small to be entangled in all this. We must not get involved, we must remain neutral and help ONLY in humanitarian actions. Only last week UK and France were buddies of Gadddafi and Ben Ali; todaythey are his enemies? Change of heart, or change of interests? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves on LIBYA. For those who want to play the heroes , they can enrol in the army of Gaddafi or in the withthe rebels of Benghasi, they are free to go; but please do not involve us. We are neutral and we want to live in one piece and in peace! We can only pray to God that this civil war is resolved quickly and without a great loss of bloodshed.
Hbieb tifhmunix hazin lanqas jien ma naqbel li Gonzi jaghmilha ta medjatur gieh Alla. X` tippretendu li jaghmel ?.......Ghid lil Ewropej u lil Gaddafhi jaghmlu kif ihobb jaghmel hu ? xi U-Turn halli jzomm il-Paci ?
Pauline Moran
Antione mur kompli kakki fil poti ta Jane Ayre w ilaq il warrani ta' Wenzu!!! Int pappagal iehor ta Wenzu. Li jghid hu tigi tirripetih hawn!!!! Il 'frightened poultry' li semmejt huwa il PARTIT TIEGHEK fl-elezzjoni li gejja. Mur ghidlu lil Wenzu jsejjah elezzjoni generali jekk jinsab tant kunfidenti!!!!! Ja Laqi!!!
ahna qedin bil ligi ta e.u imma fill pratikka pajjiz arbi. kollox fuq il karta imnizel li ahna ewropej imma fil verita pajjiez ta tielet dinja
A chance to go one up and save some lives and he still botches it up. Keep it up you are doing a fine job as EU and Barosso's pocket poodle.
All those Maltese Gaddafi supporters who were gloating yesterday that Malta will have to swallow its words and mediate between the murderer and his victims are now hopping mad and running in circles like frightened poultry. . Malta is no longer Gaddafi's colony. He has to go.
Pauline Moran
Hbieb...u l-ohrajn laqin ta' Wenzu fosthom Antione Vella u Alfred Bugeja. L-ewwelnett ahna mhux qedghin fl-EU, AHNA XKUPA TAL EU. Il verita tafu x'inhi hbieb...Il Verita hija kif qal ezatt (Anton)..Inthom il laqin ta Wenzu hemm bzonn li tkunu tafu li Wenzu ma jista jiehu l-ebda decizjoni!!!!!!!! Mbasta priminstru ta' pajjizna!!!! Ghax Barroso u Ashton qed jaghfsuh immens biex ma jitkellemx u ma jghamel xejn li jista jirvella il pjanijiet tal EU. Barosso qallu biex ma jindahalx!! hu hsieb il-klandestini li jidhlu biss Wenz. Kompli ilghaq lil EWROPEW WENZ forsi iddahhal lil Malta fi Gwerra baxx baxx!!! Dak lilna qatt ma stmawna. Ghalihom ahna bicca gebla fil Mediterran....KOMPLI ILAQ Wenz!!! Fejn huma il PAR IDEJN SODI ISSA?!!!!!!!!!
Cans bhal dan biex insalvaw lin-nies u lilna stess u ma hadniex anzi kissirna lilna stess. Medjatur f'kas bhal dan jigi win win dejjem ghandu x'jirbah ghax kull ma jipprova jressaq lil partijiet lejn xulxin.
James Clapper, the director of US national intelligence, told the Senate armed services committee “the regime will prevail”, forcing the White House into an embarrassing damage control exercise. “With respect to the rebels in Libya, and whether or not they will succeed or not, I think frankly they’re in for a tough row,” he said, adding the momentum had shifted to Col Gaddafi. “I don’t think he has any intention of leaving. From all evidence that we have ... he appears to be hunkering down for the duration.” His remarks came as the Dow Jones index fell 228 points on concerns over the effects of the Libyan conflict on oil supplies, slipping back under the psychological barrier that it passed in late January. Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, will travel to Egypt and Tunisia next week to press democratic reforms after the recent rebellions and meet members of Libya’s opposition. ********************************* Libya: Gaddafi is about to force Barack Obama's hand Barack Obama is about to learn a lesson – the US president can't be neutral, writes Anne Applebaum. s it cowardice? Is it indecisiveness? Or is it clever diplomacy? Depending on who you ask in Washington, you'll get a different explanation for President Barack Obama's silence, to date, on the subject of Libya. Since the uprising began, he has made only one extended comment on the Libyan rebellion, and it was thoroughly anodyne. He declared – surprise! – that the US "strongly supports the universal rights of the Libyan people." He said he had "instructed his administration to prepare the full range of options that we have to respond to this crisis." And then he concluded: "The change that is taking place across the region is being driven by the people of the region. This change doesn't represent the work of the United States or any foreign power."
heq mhux ovvja li jfahru Li lawrence gonzi! Int tahseb li ma ghandhom ghalfejn ifahruh?:) tahseb li ghax tah` darhu Lil muammar gadfafi? le ma tarx din mijiex importanza wara li kienu hbieb kbar- gaddafi talab lil lawrence Gonzi bhala prim miistru ta malta, wara li gaddafi u huwa kienu hbieb kbar- biex ikun ta medjatur bejn ir-ribelli u l-EU- lawrence gonzi ma fetahx halqu qabel jiehu parir minghand EU. ma tarax mela Malta ghanda sahha ta xi VETO lolllllllllll. jiena kontra Muammar gaddafi u kontra kull kap ta regime- li rrid nghid huwa li lawrence gonzi suppost kien habib kbir ta Muammar Gaddafi- bhal ma kien kull prim ministru precedenti li kien hawn. Gaddafi talab l'ghajnuna ta l-prim ministru ghax huwa Gaddafi dejjem ghin lil kull prim ministru li kien hawn. dak huwa l-punt li Muammar gaddafi talab l'ghajnuna ta lawrence Gonzi . U lawrence Gonzi ghazel dik it-triq. jiena li qed nghid ghal lawrence Gonzi li bhala supposy habib ta lawrence Gonzi cahdu min dinha t-talba- dik hija l-politika nduru ma kull rih
Ara veru ghanda Gonzipn bla bocci tal-laham u wiccu ma jisthi minn xejn. Mela ftit ilu mar jilaq il-warrani ta' Gaddafi u tghidx kemm iddandan mieghu issa Gonzipn tah daharhu. Nitolbu lill-Alla halli Gaddafi ma jibqax hemm ghax wisq nibza li jpattiehilna. Ara l-amerikani issa qed jkollhom second thoughts imma Popeye (par idejn sodi) taghna qed jipprova jaghmilha tal-hero. Nahseb kellu ragun john Dalli. U fejn hi il-Germanja u l-pajjizi Nordici, bl'eccezzjoni tal-Inglizi, dawn qisu mhu jigri xejn u Alla jbierek Gonzipn jmur jiddihaq ma Barroso ghax ta daharhu lill-Gaddafi sabiex jiehu il-prosit. Daqs kemm ghenuna fil-kwistjoni tal-immigranti !! Addio impiegi u investimenti Maltin li hemm fil-Libya, l-aqwa li Popeye mar jaghmila tas-superman.
I believe it would be much appropriate if we will be told by the E.U. if there's any through about what is being said by Libya of the " NICOLAS SARKOZY'S LITTLE LIBYAN SECRET" - the Oil money he received for his electoral campaign ! Thank you Good day to all.
"The Times" is filtering out all comments which are critical of Gonzi on this issue and only allowing congratulatory comment. It seems there is a concerted campaign to boost Gonzi's image. Maybe those who are predicting an early election are right.
Jeffrey Vella
Good call from the Prime Minister.
Very good video 'Thorny' its worth seeing over and over again with no comments. Ehhhhhhhhhhhh in Maltese we say 'Kliem ix-xih zomm fih' he was right KMB---Malta the nearest country to Libya should have been in the forefront to TRY AND STOP THE BLOOD there. At least we should have tried for the sake of all, especially those hundreds of Maltese who get their living from this county. Din ser titnizzel bhala wahda mil-granet suwed flis-storja ta' Malta. Dejjem qed nerqu PN kollox hazin gej!!!. Cans bhal dan biex nigbu giehna.......armejnieh. Issa jiegi Barroso jirrangalna kollox bhal ma kien gie Verhaugen.
Jien ghandi dawn il-mistoqsijiet x`naghmel lil Prim: Ghaliex wara li kelmek il-mibghut ta Gaddafhi ma hrigtx stqarrija u d-dikjarajt mill-ewwel li ma kontx lest tidholbhala medjatur ? Ried forsi tiehu permess minn ghand Barroso ? Forsi Barosso qallek biex ma hu hsieb il-klandestini li jidhlu ? Ghaliex il-Kollega tieghek Sarkozy ma marx ghand Barroso imma qabad u iddecieda minn jeddu li jgharaf lil oppozizzjoni ? Kif l-oppozizzjoni ta Gaddafhi qadt ma talbet ghal intervent minn naha tal-Gvern Malti ? Tghid lilna ma jikkalkulawniex ?
Imagine Air Malta was bought by Gaddafi before all this began. What a strange, bad and inexperienced move it was. Then Gonzi comes up with the territorial integrity issue. This is followed up by saying that Gaddafi's downfall is inevitable. Now we kick an opportunity to be the man-in-between, a move to be instantly followed by the US Intellegence Director that Gaddafi will defeat the rebels. What next?
@ Mr John Bonello: In you imaginary scenario, it is obvious that the forts priority is for the beating to stop. In this case, the killing of Libyan people. Malta could have achieved that. But the demigods of Brussels obviously ordered otherwise.
Luke Camilleri
The way we where...... politics is such a short time!
"Ignorance is bliss".
Is that so Mr. Bugeja, how about mediate between Gaddafi and the rebels, between Gaddafi and the USA, and why cant it mediate between itself and a third country? its called truce negotiation, but then again for our simple pm that is not in his vocabulary. The stupidity of some of the comments are mostly attributed to people with your mentality .
For all those of you here commenting that Dr Gonzi should have mediated between Libja and the EU. Imagine this scenario, You are looking at a a man beating an old lady. You tell him to stop but he continues to beat the old lady. The police arrives but they cannot find him. The man tells you to mediate between the old lady and the police so that he is not convicted if you want him to stop beating her. I am sure you will not help him but only help the police find him......well your reasoning as exactly as the example above.....why dont you all admint that this unfortuanate crisis has helped Dr Gonzi gain credibility whilst steering Malta in this unchartered territory.
Malta said it first: Gaddafi is finished and has to go. All gaddafi friends commenting here had better resign themselves to this.
The stupidity of some of the comments below is amazing. Malta cannot mediate between Libya and the EU because Malta IS PART of the EU. How can a country be a mediator between ITSELF and a third country?? DUH!!!
James Clapper, the director of US national intelligence, told the Senate armed services committee “the regime will prevail”, forcing the White House into an embarrassing damage control exercise. “With respect to the rebels in Libya, and whether or not they will succeed or not, I think frankly they’re in for a tough row,” he said, adding the momentum had shifted to Col Gaddafi. Libya: 'Gaddafi will prevail', says Barack Obama's intelligence chief Colonel Muammar Gaddafi will defeat the rebels in Libya, Barack Obama’s intelligence chief said on Thursday.
A no fly zone is a must to stop the killings from above. what amazes me is , how people turn your back on you like lawrence gonzi did to Muammar Gaddafi. They were friends big friends, lawrence gonzi was expecting gaddafi here. you ee now that he saw gaddafi lost the battle(soon) he turned his back on him . Don't get me wrong I was against The gaddafi regime from the beginning. I believe all countries must have Freedom Democracy, without Freedom one has nothing. and i am against all those people (seems thye are ages betwen 20 to 35 men) getting the opportunity of escaping from there and entering europe illegally , invaded Lampedusa, they have ruined everything there- the mayor and the people are terified by their presence , anyways you see I said in the beggining of the issue , that lawrence gonzi did not take a stand , to see first, i said that when he be sure that gaddafi has lost his battle than he wil speak:) minister To me you are not a trusted person.
Dr Gonzi was obviously following orders from Brussels - which means from France, in this case. If we had accepted to mediate and negotiated a peaceful exit of the Gaddafi family, it would have saved many Libyan lives
Karl get your facts in order, Malta did not say no to Gaddafi request for help. Only Mr Gonzi who does not represent me or 60% or more of the Maltese population.
Mr. Gonzi what a failure you are! here you had a chance to mediate and for once show that you are worthy of something, but no you had to be seen that you are tough,guess what? it only shows how weak you really are.You finished licking Gaddaffi ass now your licking Barroso's ass.I am ashamed that i have the misfortune to be represented by such a nit wit.
... u veru par idejn sodi .... par idejn frizati ... trid tghid Il-pajjiz kellu kull cans iservi ta' medjatur biex igieghel lil Gaddafi jwarrab b'mod li jkun accettabbli ghall-umanita Dinjija (possibilment fl-iqsar zmien) imma ahna rridu nkunu semplici membri fl-Unjoni.... Kellna kull cans inkunu proattivi .. imma ghal Lawrence l-aqwa li jidher qed jiehu b' idejn Barroso ..... Issa qed nghajjru lil Gaddafi dittatur u tirann ?? Mhux kulhadd jaf li Gaddafi kien dittatur sa mill-ewwel gurnata li ha l-poter f' idejh fil-Libja ?? Min mar jinvesti hemm (il-Maltin u wara.. l-kumplament tad-dinja) ma qaghadx jghid li Gaddafi dittatur (dakinhar). Mank nitfa solidarjeta ma min kien (u ghadu) qed jaqla hobzu minn hemm .. Minkejja dan bl-ebda mod mhu qed nipprova niggustifika l-vjolenza... u ghalhekk qed nghid li missna hadna l-irwol ta' medjaturi fil-kaz... b' kundizzjonijiet bhal bdil kostituzzjonali u elezzjonijiet hielsa. mhux li kien min qed ipeclaq fil-vojt issa... imut bil-guh ghax jispicca bla xoghol.
Well done, Dr Gonzi.
Good job.