Gozitan eye-specialist Franco Mercieca approached to run on Labour ticket
Gozitan eye-specialist doctor Franco Mercieca confirms that he was approached by Labour Leader Joseph Muscat to contest the general election on the PL ticket.
During an interview with Sunday weekly paper Illum Mercieca, one of the leading eye doctors of the country also backed by robust experience gleaned from working abroad, maintains he is headed into politics – and expects to ventually emerge from it - as a “man of integrity.”
Two years ago, Illum reports, it had revealed how Muscat already had a list of candidates that would eventually be approached to run on the party ticket. Illum had said that for the district of Gozo, Muscat would turn to the one whom many had already dubbed “the super hero of the Labour Party.”

It is the Nationalist party who is on the wrong side, irrespective of the outcome of the referendum.
Jpierce @omds

Mr Magrius, you do not seem to know Dr Franco Mercieca.

Adrian Busuttil •
Hi Employee, this may come as a surprise to you but not everyone is quite as shallow and partisan as you imply. You must move in very tedious circles ;)

dear Magrius, wish i knew what you would say if this guy had accepted to run on the PN ticket !!!!!!!!!!

Adrian Busuttil •
We have more than enough politicians thank you very much, the majority of which do little more than keep seats warm in parliament. To hear that this talented man is going to sit there listening to rambling speeches instead of healing is shocking news.
Dr. Mercieca would serve the Maltese and Gozitan population in a far more useful manner by concentrating on his vocation to heal. To compound everything eye specialists of this calibre are extremely rare, I know of only one other.
One only has to see the queues at Mater Dei for cateract operations to see the sense of this statement.

Franco Mercieca will certainly be an asset to the PL which, incidentally, is known to be surpassing the PN with an at least 27,000. Why don't Maltatoday polls reveal these findings?

Luke Camilleri •
Dr. Muscat sure has an EYE for prospective canditates and most of all foreSIGHT and VISION ! : )