Identity Malta Expatriates Unit revises opening hours
Earlier this week, foreigners seeking work permits in Malta hung protest placards on the railings of the Evans Building, quoting a letter from the Prime Minister telling foreigners that they are ‘very welcome’ in making Malta their home

Identity Malta will be introducing new front desk hours at its Expatriates Unit, following the recent surge in demand.
In a statement, the agency said that in order to better accommodate the customers’ needs, existing procedures will be revisited and additional personnel will be hired.
The new opening hours will be introduced as from Monday 17 June, and the Expatriates Unit will be receiving applications from Monday to Friday between 07:30am and 11:30am, and resume processing afterwards.
“Identity Malta officials will be attending to the needs of all those queuing during that window period,” the statement read.
As from Monday 1 July, the Central Visa Unit will be accepting general queries and applications from Monday to Friday between 8am to 2pm.
Last week, foreigners seeking work permits in Malta hung protest placards on the railings of Evans Building, which quoted a letter that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had sent foreigners on the eve of last month’s MEP election.
“We are very grateful for you choosing to make Malta your home whether it is temporary or forever. I want to be clear. If you want to be here and contribute to our country’s success, then you are very welcome,” Muscat had said.
Queues of foreigners seeking to apply for a work permit outside Evans Building start as early as 5am, with queues sometimes going as far as the bottom of Merchant’s Street.
“Although there is a ticketing system in place at the Expatriates Unit, Identity Malta is doing its best to attend to all those queuing during its office opening hours,” an Identity Malta representative told the media on Thursday.
He also said that an online platform will be launched soon.