Ministers declare their income and assets
Joseph Muscat said that he had no shares or investments in bonds and that he depended entirely on his salary as prime minister

Ministers and members of the Cabinet declared their income and assets in Parliament on Wednesday, revealing also that most of them had outstanding loans.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is amongst those with an outstanding home loan of €120,000. He declared in Parliament that he had no investments in shares or bonds but simply had €70,000 deposited in bank accounts. His salary came exclusively from his role as prime minister.
Economy Minister Chris Cardona declared that he has an outstanding loan of €375,000 but €135,000 deposited in bank accounts. Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has no outstanding loans to speak of and has an investment in bonds amounting to €279,000.
Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi declared total deposits of €230,572 and a loan of €297,731. He declared 4,000 shares in Malta International Airport and ownership of a house and garage in London.
All declaration of assets can be viewed in the document below.